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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 54


Hi all, I will be staying at the xxxxxxxxxxxxx hotel in Maryport on the 15th, I will be the quiet guy in the bar by himself lol if anyone fancies saying hello then please do....
Almost 6ft with half a head of short hair.....
Even for a beer and a chat... hoping someone does charity !!!!!!
Thanks all
Mods Edit - hotel details removed, Reception may not appreciate the group of people asking for directions to the swinger who is waiting in the bar wink
hi guys.... any chance of adding my name on the provisional list plz???
not sure what work shifts i will be on but would love to attend..... cheers for now xxx
open invite for all to arrange a meet/social in a carpark by mutual consent..
all welcome including,,s etc etc......
hey sunni.... Hope you all have fun, would have loved to be available but am working the weekend in glasgow and not sure of my hours yet...
biggrin Everyone have fun........
Hi there, I will be in glasgow on friday night if there is anyone wanting to meet up. Lets all have fun together. biggrin message me and I will reply... cheers all
how about an arranged meet where all couples and singles (true dogging style) can get together......... limited to numbers in case of unwanted attention.... anyone interested in and around the glasgow / ayrshire areas.... message me and lets start something...
Hi all... I dont know if this will help but down in the stranraer area there are some great quiet spots to try. xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxx are popular spots and always safe........I used to live in glasgow and the xxxxxxxxx and the the car park in the sky near xxxxxxxxxx were always busy sites....stay away from sssssssssss area nasty stuff there sometimes and not safe...
Mods Edit - locations removed, read the AUP before posting any more rolleyes
Can anyone tell me where the BI people go in scotland, more so the ayrshire and glasgow area........ :twisted: :twisted:
scottish male needing something to suck and lick is now available for visits or meets in most locations or areas.
cleanliness assured and expected, age unimportant as you must have a great imagination for fun and laughs.
not a photo collector so no need to send xxx
been looking myself for the scottish connection but still early days.
think you need to be in glasgow for the party action