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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 78
Bi-curious Female, 77


we live in lovely North Wales anyway.
Put us down as a possible please
Boatman and Boatess
one of many embarassing moments....
Many years ago I was running a pub in the Midlands and me and the child bride were feeling particularly horney so we got in the car and drove to a local lerving carpark (before dogging was popular). Finding the car park full I promptly threw the car into reverse and went straight into a ditch!!!!!
I had to get some of the lads from the pubto pull us out and cost me loads of beer in bribes etc
Boat and Boatess on holiday :cry: but please keep us in mind for the next one wink
Yo M from Mnf Happy birthday Chilli sez you dont look a day over 50
Boat and Boatess
Many thanks Claire and Mick for a fabuloso evening. Thanks to everyone who made these two Munch Virgins (honest) really welcome.
Heres to the next time
lerve and all that from Boat and Boatess
[Yeah sorry gang
The 22 others were not all at the same time but over a period of months, and as Dipity says it was advertised under wife swapping in Loot.
Still bloody sick tho and I hope he gets everything he deserves and more.
A 52 year old Pervert is awaiting sentence at Chester for taking a 12 (yes 12) year old girl onto some well known dogging beaches on the North Wales coast, he allowed 22 men to have sex with her while he filmed it!
The police and the press have made a big thing about catching this sicko but failed to mention that it was the dogging community that reported this weirdo to the police in the first place.
To the Guys/Gays that reported him and his ways WELL DONE!!!
This is the last thing we need on our dogging sites
I always find it is a good idea to make sure that all rough edges and things that stick out on phones should be filed smooth - that way it doesnt hurt them too much when you ram it up their arse!!!
Is it just me or can anyone else detect the faint smell of bullshit???
dont buy another car borrow mine!!!!
But I will have to drive!
They look like they would be an asset to any Pub Quiz Team!!!
Burberry look as though its doing well.
The words Head and Knob spring to mind
What about my driveway???
It will save me getting the car out!!!
If you find anywhere new can you let me know please
I agree with you buddy,
The coastal dogging spots are getting a bit hairy what with plod and boy racers.
with all the hills and valleys etc round here there must be many great spots
Come on North Wales doggers get yer thinking caps on
Please Please tell me where and when Colwyn Bay based so nowhere too far
Lookfoward to reply
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is like a bomb site after the storms. May be worth staying away until the council can get the area fixed
Happy Dogging all
I have recently taken to actually walking my dog.
Surely this is not in the spirit of things!!!
What has happened to the Dogging scene in North Wales???
Come on Doggers all lets keep things going!!
Dont be shy where is it??? P.M. with details please for a dogging couple who are fed up with Llandulas
Yea Verily and the eleventh commandment - Thou shalt not get caught
Just got back from Llandulas (no harm in trying) and they were out in force again!!!
Do they really think that sitting in your car a cigarette papers width from a couple is going to get them anywhere?
Plonkers!!!! mad
Could'nt agree more mind you you do need main beam on to avoid the ruts in the carpark.
I would not like some of the petrol bills for the Main Beam Brigade they must travel miles!!!
So couples are going to stick around when someone flashes a torch around their car - I think not
2. Never mind thinking about hitting a druggie - get your retaliation in first!!!
Happy dogging all
As a Llandulas regular I wish to be included in the list!!!!