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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 59
United Kingdom


Hi me and mrs are going to chams on sunday 7th july about 8 be good to meet up with peeps cheers

we are going too chams on sunday check our profile she if u like cheers boo65
wished had seen this before would luv too see u guys in the furture check out our profile
put us on the list plz luv to come on down and party smile
i know its a bit late but can you put us down plz biggrin
sorry guys gonna hav to pull out hav been called in too work joys of being self employed hope u all hav fun thou xxxxx
put us down munch hav been to chams lots luv it boo65
am not gonna be able to make it this time been called to work but will meet up with u guys soon boo65
hi guys am not going too make it friday hav been called into work but we will be about again soon hav a great time one and all boo65 xxxxx
hi guys would luv too came along and party at the social biggrin