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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · Greater London


please try may I attend promise wont sit in the drivers seat this time lol

Try please please put my name down for this bud will deof be cumming mate lol

hello would so love the chance to attend Xtasia again last time had such a brill time amd met some great people so if you could please add me to the least bulletse8 xXx

would love to attend this social that is if you will allow me to pretty please may I lol xXx
If you could somehow find a way to add me to this event would be very appreicated and cant wait to see you all :-))) xxx
please add me to this function wouldnt wanna miss me ol chinas special day xxX
So sorry to hear of ya loss bunny never met ya fella but my pals did and gutted that I didn't babes just so you know I am here for ya if ya ever wanna chat bunny, all the best hun be thinking and praying for ya hun xXxXxXxXx
I would like to definately come to this social so please if you would'nt mind adding me to the list thanks xXx
If its not to late would love to come and meet you lot in person xXx
If you would'nt mind adding me to the list thanks and see ya there smile
sorry gorgouesly
Afraid to say that I can't make this social and was so looking for ward to find out what towie is all about perhaps next time xXxXxXx Leroy xXxXx
hello HnS
Sorry to have to pull out of this social but certain problems have arisen sad really was looking forward to meeting you both again,perhaps it will be chams again take care and have a blast ok HnS XxX Leroy
would love the chance to meet up being a southerner I suppose someones' gotta fly the flag smile so fingers crossed you will invite me thanks xXx
Hope that you save a spot for me over and I promise I will get there early this time m8 lol
ok you lot I am defo down with this been to long if you ask me so if you would be so kind as to add me thanks xx
Please oh pretty Please
I would so love to CUM to a Maccs social so please accept this poor invitation
Ok I'm down for some of this please add me folks and see you there xXx
please add me to the list bouncy as have took the liberty of booking my room already babes lol mwah cya hun xxx
I have'nt been to that many socials but am willing to travel to savour the experience so hopw you don't mind adding this novice to list thanks xXx