hello all
well in my experience the only offence that is being committed is that of outraging public decency (sorry for the spelling lol). this is complete if there are atleast two other persons present but they do not have to see the act. With this offence if you are at a well known dogging spot the chances are there will be others there so the offence is complete. Statements do not need to be taken to see if those persons were upset by the actions of others. Saying that police are more concerned that it is not someone kerb crawling, the likely hood is that you would get a warning and laughed at by police.
indecent exposure does not just relate to males it also includes females. any genitals showing in a public place is in play it does not include breasts however. also you have to think outside the box as law can be bent shall we say. You may be committing a public order offence as you may likely cause someone harrassment alarm or distress.
in regards to voyerism. with dogging the offence is not complete as genrally the person being watched has given some consent. If police went down this line you may be arrested but in interview state that lights were flashed etc doggers code. This gives implied permission to watch thus not making the offence complete as you need to watch without permission.
And exposure again the offence will not be complete if you did not intend to alarm or distrees anyone when in fact you do it for the opposite. In most occasion you can be arrested but if you say the right things in interview you should be ok and not recieve a charge etc.
but as i stated you will more likely get a warning and laughed at but if you go dogging in the day in a area which is not out of the way then hey what to you expect.
anyway i have went on abit. i am on the the side off the doggers. i am a uniformed guy (read into it as you will LOL) and know a little about the law and hope this helps