No I’m not just a swinging virgin, I am an actual 100% genuine virgin I’m not proud of it but I believe in being honest.
I thought when I came across this site that I might stand a good chance of finding someone interested in helping me out, not because all women on here are easy but because I thought that you liked sex so may consider me, however no-one is interested in me except one woman who said they were then cut off all contact for some reason which I don’t know.
Is it because I’m a virgin that no one is interested or is it something else?
I’m not disfigured in any way and I wouldn’t say that I was terribly bad looking but messages that I send usually get ignored even though I send a face picture.
Or is it my ad that puts people off?
I could really do with advice, and before someone says to go out and get a life, I don’t like pubs and clubs which is why I am here.
I’m probably going to get slagged off and flamed now the flaming commence.