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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
Bisexual Female, 42
0 miles · Cambridgeshire


lol how did i know you would of alreayd posted this morning harry lol lol
it was a fab night thank you to all those who came and all those who let us know they couldnt
martell dont worry about it at least you let us knowlol , i think we should ahve another in a few months time if people fancy it
for those who dont know me and chris ill be the big girl looking nervous with a green flash of colour in her hair lol lol
lol harry there is one earlier
leave at 7am change twice and get there 4 hours later lol lol
if u want it ill send it to u .....i did say if anyone wants to know whos confirmed just ask me but i have opnly got handful of confirmee most have read the details but not replied so im guessing they still coming.......again if anyone needs my number just ask
ok here are the 5 confirmees lol lol
Harry jones
a couple of others said they might, almost all have read there email though and not told me they cant come yet so we should still have a good few there dont let that list put u off lol
people always can't make it nearer the time, us not being able to sort details hasn't helps. Oh well we will miss all those who can't make it and cant wait to see those who can should be fun biggrin going to stick some newer photos on profile so people can spot us
sorry sorry sorry the move took ages we couldnt get online at home then my lappy broke but it is all sorted finally lol lol
The email with details going out let me know if you want a list of people going of course since events have conspired against us we understand many wont be able to make it but me (claire) and chris will deff be there to wellcome those who can still come if we can help anymore let us know we are fully back online now
hope to see you all soon xx
sorry for the silence from our end, those who know us know we have been moving and cant get online unfortunetly we wont have real access for some time it seems.
for those still wanting to come i am drawing up a list of who and hotels etc but give it a week or so as im stealing the net tonight lol
claire + chris xx
lol i got all excited then though more peopel had put there names down, cant follow with all this spamming not mentioning any names (frowns at harry and newlad) :P wink
right lol we have a date keep the 2nd of feb free biggrin
will start a names list and as this is a bbw room meet priority will go to the room regs
****date announced 2nd feb ****
hoping to plan a social in feb for the bbw room regulars in peterborough (nice and central for train)
not sure on dates yet but if people are interested please pop ya name down
claire and chris
can u add us please would be lovely to see u all again hopefully chris will be back online by then as well
we both had a fab time and are thinking of having a sim event manc way mid to end of nov to celibrate chris 40th and claires 25th in the dec, any one interested let us know .......
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hi naughty wigan, just leeting you know i will not be attending the wigan munch, hope you all have a great night
chris xxxxxxx
Hi carpet m8, can i put my name down for this one,
will be fab to see you all in the best city in the country with the best footy team too,
chris drinkies
Hi mrs naughty wigan chris_hughes here, just confirming i will be coming to wigan for the munch, i am coming with rolo but she has not confirmed yet so i will give her a nudge and get her to confirm asap, looking forward to meeting you again and all the other peeps i met at the munch in manchester, you take care , see you so on chris xxxxxxxxx :taz:
hi matty, chris_hughes here, would like to put my name up for this meet, being a mancunian, will take the chance of gettin home without losing any of the red stuff, cheers matty mate, take good care
chris_h lol
hi there sam lucy meggo
god you are living the high life arent you
sorry chris and i wont be able to make this one
so all of you have a great night and sam make sure you sing with the lovely debz for me
need to make arrangements for a meet soon
until next time
roloxxxxxxxxx :cry: wink 69position
hi there naughty wigan couple
i was wondering if i could have a invite to this munch if you need anybody to vouch for me rolo will we will be going to the nw munch on sat night and would really like to be there at the uniform munch
ta chrisxx
hi vicky, chris_hughes here , can i angle for an invite hun, would be my first munch and lots of peeps i wanna meet, thanks chris xxxx
hi ginger, chris_hughes here, would like to put my name forward for the party, lucky trucker says i have to because you all like a big cock, if you have room for me that would be great, hear from you soon, byeee xxxxx
hi ginger chris here from the cancelled meet, i'm free thurday, if there is room for me give me a nudge, see ya hun , be good x x
sorry the meet was cancelled jo,. look forward to getting it on anohter tiime maybe
chrisx x