Richard Griffiths ... but without the beard and good looks !
Sorry to say I am off on hols for a few days, which is why, in my childlike excitement, I cannot concentrate on work at the moment.
To those taking part Enjoy !
Welcome Prince of Darkness, you will find that the mods have a tossometer and once your reading gets to a certain level they toss you which is why, in the main, the quality of posts in the cafe remains so high where is the modesty emoticon ?....
The last thing I remember your honour was a pair of disembodied lips !!
I am afraid I am more the trickster than tricked.
eg. Putting an alcohol comatosed friend onto a train from London to Aberdeen with a one way ticket pinned to his jacket.
This was bad enough but I and his other "Friends" had ensured that he had no money or cards on him. This was on the night of his Stag Party. Said party being the Thursday before the Saturday big Day :twisted:
He made it by blagging a flight back ..... I still suffer the teensiest pangs of guilt to this day.
Reflecting on my last post, I guess keeping it up is also what this forum is about :lol2:
Now this is more like it, a party after the gloom and doom of recent days, this is just what this forum is about. Poetry, Wit and thinly disguised insults all in one thread.
Keep it up folks ...... :happy: :happy: :happy:
When babies wear Nike trainers rather than Grandma's knitted booties !!
That famous self publicist SPEED can be found at it just up the road
Do you like my new Calvin Klein exerciser ?
That's not quite what I meant when I said aim at her Pussy.... :P
What's up Doc ? .... Can we help ?
Brandy Alexander
A few (not too many) Ice Cubes
Generous Measure of Brandy
Measure of Crème de Cacao
Two Tbsps of Cream
Grated Nutmeg
Break the ice into coarse not crushed pieces and place in a shaker with the remaining ingredients except the nutmeg.
Shake until thoroughly blended.
Strain into cocktail glasses.
Sprinkle with a little grated nutmeg.
NB Don't forget to strain the ice or you will have a watery mess before you enjoy the last Drop