The roads in Morrocco are quite good particularly if you confine yourself to the coastal region, there are some quite 'swank' hotels to the west of Tangier.
Security is the biggest problem driving through Europe, a boot on the car is a good idea and be sure to keep anything of value in there when you are parked up, day or night, I even leave my glove compartment and armrest open to show that there is nothing work 'nicking'. The downside of a sports car would be keeping everything safe.
One straightforward trip would be tunnel to Calais, drive down through France into Spain, down to Gibralter, ferry to Morrocco from algeceiras (spelling ?), back to Spain, accross to Portugal and then back up through France to Blghty. I was down in the South of Spain, Gib and Tangier last year at the time you are planning to go and the weather was great. With 6 weeks you could avoid the French tolls and use the N roads instead.
Far be it for me to suggest what someone should or should not do in the quest for pleasure, but IMHO the female body is beautiful enough without any embelishments.
Our native spring flowers take some beating, the Primrose, the Bluebell, the enchanting Violet and Spring Gentian and if you can spot them the Perslane and Periwinkle.
Just created the omelette of the century and scored 10 !
.359 seconds is the best I could manage, worst was 30 seconds when I had not realised that the background had changed at all ?
In a glider, a couple of thousand feet above Shropshire, not much time, not much room, added to the thrill, a close second was in In a closed swimming pool, in the middle of the night, having let ourselves in for a night time skinny dip !! and finally aged 16 in an old air raid shelter on a disused airfield provided certain excitement .
I would like to grow up and not out :therethere:
Just found the giggle zone so here goes.
George Bush - visiting a School in down town Washington..
"Children ! Who has a question"
Little boy at front "I do Sir"
"OK! Tell us your name and your question"
"My Name is Billie and my question is in three Parts"
1 Why did we wage war on Iraq when the UN didn't want us to.
2 Why are you President when Al Gore got more votes
3 What ever happened to Osama Bin Ladin
Just then the lesson bell sounded and George Said
"OK kids we will continue after break"
After the Break George says
"Now where were we ? Ah yes who has a question ?"
Another little boy puts up his hand. George points him out and asks him what his name is.
"And what is your question, Steve?"
"I have a question Sir and it is in five parts.
1 Why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
2 Why are you President when Al Gore got more votes?
3 Whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?
4 Why did the lesson bell go off 20 minutes early?
5 What happened to Billie?"
Peter Skellern's 'Oh what a holiday, This is my very first lay'
98, 99, 100 ... "Is that enough Push ups Sargeant"
Not so very long ago in a place reasonably close to here a young vicar was walking along side a stream when he spotted a frog. Walking by he remarked a distressed voice from the direction of the frog. Drawing closer he heard the frog say " Help me ! please Help Me!, I am not really a frog but a choir boy who was turned into a frog by a wicked choir master". "Oh dear! " exclaimed the vicar, "whatever can I do to help you! ?".
"Well" said the frog "I am told that the only way I can escape the spell is for my head to be laid where the head of a holy man has laid".
WIth no further ado the kind vicar scooped up the frog in his hat, took it back to the rectory, and laid it gently upon his pillow whereupon it turned immediately back into a choir boy.
That my Lord and Members of the Jury rests the case for the defence "
It reminds me of my Pocket Philosopher Grandmother who used to say to me after I had been moaning about something inconsequential...
"There are plenty of folk in t'graveyard who wish they had your troubles lad"
And for my next trick - sawing the cat in half ...