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Over 90 days ago


Once had a motorhome fitted out in redwoods, the sleeping area surrounded with colored glass windows including skylight. Naked skin was so beautiful in that light on a summer afternoon. Lovely memories.
As long as it isn't the 'white frightening' cider, uurgh...
Hmmn... it all makes sense now.. wondered why all the flags were out.. confused
I'm obviously hugely patriotic.
Sounds like a perfect end to the working week. If you need one more I'd be happy to fill in..
Quote by Maia
Yeah, I enjoy my work, especially the fact that I am not answerable to the NHS machine smile

Now there's a thought Maia, masturbating clients at the expence of the great NHS machine, see how easily I slip into fantasy? biggrin
The NHS is a nightmare to work for. Makes me wonder how anything gets done. Other than spreading superbugs of course.
Quote by Maia
LOL no I don't mind. There are only 50 of us in my bit of the profession and it woud be dead easy to track down the only Asian member.. and some practitioners I know have big mouths biggrin

Sounds interesting,
At least it can't be as boring as accountancy. My partner just got ouit of finance after some years, the boredom was killing her. Although if her clients had been giving her a wank...?
Bet it's something medical. Practitioner?
Not that I'm prying. The big question is, do you enjoy it?
Your work I mean, not masturbating accountants.
Quote by Maia

You're right, we should get back to work, just that it's more fun talking to you and imagining being an accountant and having my pencil sharpened biggrin

You don't seriously think that I am doing that to my accountant, do you? She is a woman and even though I haven't asked, I don''t quite think she fancies me that way.. just my cheque book.
I am self employed (hence the accountant) but I am also doing a Women's Issues related MA (and if that sounds that I am being elusive about what I actually do work wise, then you're a very perceptive man lol )
You are a man, aren't you?
Ah, ruined my accountancy fantasy now - although the fact that she's a woman....
So obviously yes, I'm a man. Sorry.
Hence the lack of ability to work and play at the same time. Death penalty for me if it's not done though!
Wasn't meaning to pry.
Quote by hornet harlot
Could be a time warp thingy we did put the clocks forward 1 hour your equilibrium may be f##@@d. oops my first swear word on SH. :censored:
:love: xxx

It would take more than an hour to f**k me up that much! :shock:
Quote by markps
Is it me or is mo mowlam getting more attractive?

Careful there markps, don't want your guide dog to catch anything contagious.
No randomised trial, has to be qualitative, unstructured/semi structured interviews, might get away (hopefully with field notes) - risk taking behaviour in drug users.
You're right, we should get back to work, just that it's more fun talking to you and imagining being an accountant and having my pencil sharpened biggrin
What do you do?
Quote by hornet harlot
Yes Al pillion pussy on a VFR800 at the moment but getting a Hornet when I pass my test, it's blue hump
:love: xxx

Hi Hornet,
Yorkshire, great roads for it, love the Dales. Do you go to the rallies up there? Stormin' the Castle, Farmyard?
Quote by Maia
what was the details of this said proposal again? I was a tad preoccupied with wanking my accountant... redface

cool Every time you mention that word I get that feeling again!
Don't know why 'accountant' should affect me like that..
Mind you, they do tell me that they spend a lot of time having their pencils sharpened.
Quote by Maia
Well at least you can be assured in the knowledge that you are not deluded....

confused I am indeed deluded and I shall now prove it...
A kind and generous person such as yourself would obviously want to help a poor deluded, stressed and overworked fool such as myself by completing the said proposal for research, and e mailing it up to me before the deadline.
How's that for fantasy? - and thats without even getting onto the subject of you giving us a wank because we're too lazy!
Quote by Maia
OOO do you think that was a Freudian slip?

lol :lol: Lol, at least with the numbers there is a program to crunch them for you, think of all the typing with interviews... I hope sometime to persuade the uni to fund a field experiment looking at the subjective experiences of people involved in swinging, then this really could be research? Better than the crap they have you doing now, think of how interesting the literature review would be.
This is obviously just more avoidance behaviour and fantasy.
Quote by Maia
Really Cormack? And what feeling was that ? Care to share with us, cos we're all very empathetic. It's purely academic, you do understand's called qualitative research

Oh God, I really wish you hadn't said that because I'm sat here supposedly writing a research proposal for a piece of qualitative research. I've tried every kind of avoidance behaviour that I can think of, including sexual fantasy, but I just can't escape from it. Still, the observation and field notes would be interesting if we stuck to the wanking theme. Is qualitative research your thing then? Shouldn't it be empathic?
Quote by Maia
So what you saying is, you rather us wank you, than you having to do it yourself? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
:P :P :P :P

Lol, biggrin
No problem with that! Gave me quite a feeling thinking about it. Always happy to let a girl practice her technique. As well as continuing to perfect my own of course. Barking up a tree, is that a dogging thing?
Quote by Maia
I think I see the problem now Maia, you need a guy that can THINK as well as talk. biggrin

oooo is that a new concept then?
I really don't mean to be derogatory - most men are lovely really, just hilarious when their cocks seizes them by the hand and run away with them...
Thing is Maia, we can think as well as talk just not at the same time, and certainly not when we're being led by our cocks, whether it's us or you doing the leading. I prefer the latter myself, seem to get into less trouble that way.
Well it was certainly less than beautiful. His voice was still powerful though, given his drug raddled past.
Being a bloke, may be missing something here, but I'm wondering why you think it's important to have an orgasm through penetrative sex rather than oral or whatever?
Hey Vix
Was that the one he did again with his daughter recently?
cool Well thats made me happier, enough badness in the world without cruelty to innocent butterflies. Although - keeping the poor bugger captive in Milton Keynes, does that not qualify as cruelty?
I think she qualified for his mid life crisis. Best thing about being unknown, no-one cares about your mid life crisis. No that I'd know. Too young. rolleyes
It was definately Polly - waited for ages for her and Manuel to get it on...
I'm upset now wondering where your butterfly will play when all the green fields have gone?
I think I see the problem now Maia, you need a guy that can THINK as well as talk. biggrin
They had no choice but to shut Wigan.. they 've dug up all the roads and posted traffic lights on duty so that you can't get in!