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3 weeks ago
Bi-curious Male, 46
Bi-curious Female, 45


How do planes fly?
Is it Newtons 3rd law - i.e. wing pushes air down, resulting in wing being pushed up, or was Bernoulli right all along and it's all down to pressure?
And another thing - how do bikes stay upright? Recent studies have shown that the conventional thinking (centripetal acceleration of the wheel) doesn't provide enough force to maintain a balanced system. So, what gives?
Quote by Dirtygirly
Tablet is what you eat at camp courtesy of my Mum!

I think *Him* needs to chill out. I LOVE my iPhone biggrin
... owners of Apple products that requires them to impress upon you their device of choice? We all (well, most of us) have mobile devices of some sort that either makes calls, browses the internet or allows us to carry out some kind of feat of social connectivity, but what is it about the owners of Apple products that forces them to tell us that their device is manufactured by Apple?
"I'm on my iPhone/iPad/iLollipop blah blah blah."
It's a f*cking phone ffs. (or tablet, or lollipop) Every other member of the population can get by in life by calling it a phone, or mobile, or tablet... Have you ever heard someone using the specific model name of their device if it's not an Apple product?
Sorry, but that gets my iGoat.
p.s. What's with the damn arse about face capitalisations too!?!?! bangheadloon:fuckinghell:
aaaaaand relax...
Quote by MikeC
Back from work now. This is my Friday. The bonus of an extra long weekend, until next Wednesday in fact, means that I can raise a little hell on here. You luck lot :grin:

I will be joining you
And me! :twisted:
Todat I am mostly recovering from a minor procedure whilst *Him* waits on me lol whilst looking forward t 2 weeks off work. Whoohoo!
Quote by celestria
Awww I didn't make reececup's list... guess that means I'm either not at all memorable or not "has been" enough either lol :lol:

And us.
Arse! :lol:
Sorry, you had me at "Split the fancy"...
I can see the draw in splitting out the fun and serious, but as has been said - aren't there enough already? Maybe it's time to a rejig of the whole forum categories?
Works fine for me as it is tho...
Quote by sandybeach1
Can we please the 5th on this one :censored:

Can you please all stop quoting Blues OP?
Quote by bluexxx
No one ever tell me that I'm not adventurous and willing to experiment.
Today, I am going to try beans on egg on cheese on toast.
How shocked are you?
I'm more shocked that I actually have all of those ingredients in my house at the same time without someone physically taking me to a shop and putting them in my basket for me.

Beans on toast - yes
Egg on toast - yes
Cheese on toast - yes
All three? Are you sure? Thats a bit too adventurous for me! Beans and cheese should work, but mixing in the egg - you crazy cat. The rules state that beans and egg should never meet, so I'm going to treat this as an experiment to see if the addition of cheese and toast will make a difference.
If you could reply with measurements and observations, that'd be grand. We can sort the rules out later on.
Quote by Freckledbird
If eating anything with fried egg though, I always leave the yolk untouched until last, then it goes in the old gob, whole.

I thought it was just me that did that! I love it when it pops in your mouth :inlove:
Other than that, mushrooms are wrong (although fine on a pizza) pineapple is lush, especially on a pizza, it's red sauce & brown sauce and bacon really is the answer.
I have a bagful of ours in the back of one of my knicker drawers. I don't think I could throw them away, each one has special memories.....
Quote by mattmoleman
And your ass is looking particularly peachy tonight too wink

That's cause it's at least 10 years younger than my current ass!!
And like a fine wine it has gotten even better with age.
Nice tits!
Soz lol
If I remember rightly Paddy you are also an ex chat op from a different site.

Whoah! Crash and burn lol. Nice own goal there Paddy lol
Quote by Dirtygirly
*runs round room nekkid*
(My auto correct is trying to change 'nekkid' to 'Nellie'... do you think he's fuckin with me?!) :giggle:

Thats brave - hope you don't mind a black eye or two!
:P wink
I hope he is fuckin with ya lol
Quote by essex34m
oooh I likey...its getting all hot and steamy in here
passionkiss blast 69position

Nice tits.
Likewise wink
Quote by flower411
What about bacon in spag bol ?

A good question. Traditionally no, but you'll note that it is the answer, so if you wish, it'll certainly improve the flavour.
There are rules for a reason people!
- Beans NEVER go anywhere near the egg. Ever.
- Carrots and Spag Bol must never meet either. Eat a fucking carrot, then eat your spag bol. Do NOT put them together!
- Put raisins in my curry and I'll hurt you. I'll find a way to make you bleed, with a poppadum.
- You can never have too much meat. (hur hur hur)
- Chilli and Bolognaise are two different things. You can't turn one into the other just by adding Tabasco.
- It's called Tommy K, not "red sauce" - what are you? 5?
- Oh, and the most important rule of them all... Bacon.
Cos we're a couple, we're fun and we're from the Uk. And we have no imagination for names!
Ahhh well...
Only 8 years here but i'll bring Skittles vodka? :twisted:
(only, i'm not drinking it myself after the last swinging related party we held and I drunk wayyyyyy too much redface and really embarrassed myself....)
Quote by Tasitus
Can we all join in ?? passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss:

Nope, this is not "our" forum - I think you'll have to ask for permission from the new owners wink
wave to QBU - long time no see!
We sadly never had the pleasure of a WRATS camp, but we heard some great stories. We did do all the Swingcamps though and had amazing times.
Our first Swingcamp was my first camping trip, at a time when I wore skyscraper heels, face full of makeup, straightened hair and nails done at all times. I went under protest, we had a tiny little 2 man tent, it rained all night and I got soaked through. *Him* said he knew he'd won when he saw me sat in a camping chair with no make up on,curly hair, wearing a hoodie, wellies and with an umbrella clamped between my knees keeping me dry with a travel mug of tea in my hands.
We upgraded to a 6 man tent after that but I was hooked on camping! So many memories of sunsets on the cliffs looking over the sea, drunken evenings singing (and getting warned about the noise) tent hopping in the night, walking into our tent and finding one of our "tentmates" with a glowstick shoved up his japs eye dunno (no prizes for guessing who lol), waking up with relief that our tent was still pitched after a night of hurricanes, White Russians, keeping up with the Joneses (every year someone went one better - ending up at one point with someone having a white picket fence around their tent complete with a "keep off the grass sign")
I really miss those days.
Anyone for camping? innocent
Quote by meat2pleaseu

I forget the venue, but it was Brum (New Street), but I know it was the Second Munch I went to.

It was upstairs in O'neils wink
That's it! One of the best nights I can remember! lol
I think I met Scabby Cat and Postie at the same time- Cocoa was so excited to see us all in the same place.... think that was where we acquired Couplefun too- Cocoa was in there again and adopted them :lol:
Cocoa was good like that. We were hiding in a corner and she bounced over, bless her.
Quote by Andrew_2013
Don't worry, Mike will do as he's told lol

Oooo, cool - are you Mike's Dom then? :twisted:
Don't be silly, Mike is everyone's bitch!
Quote by MikeC
Where is he?

Tied up somewhere
He's "otherwise engaged" sadly. I'm sure he'll appreciate the pm's though lol
Quote by Andrew_2013
Volunteer your own bum for BIokes amusement Mike! I'm enjoying making him work for the prize!

That's right you tell him! Bloody 'straighty'!
I'd have you both begging for bum stuff smile
Don't worry, Mike will do as he's told lol