Yes, have fun mate and stay away from dodgy looking blokes with C4 strapped all over them.
And no tying up poor Iraqis and moving them out of the sun using a Volvo. Or sexually abusing them, taking photos and handing them into Boots to be developed on your R & R.
For those who've PM'd me, okay then, here's another look:
That's your last chance. I'm not showing them again!
Yes, you're right. Sorry, just having a bit of inocent winding up fun.
Apologies, if I've offended anyone. I'm sure the original poster is understanding of my 'urine extraction' sense of humour, as all squaddies love taking the piss!
Does he want another medal? I've loads of them.
I used to exagerate (probably still do) about my war experiences. All soldiers do. It's tradition. I mean, they can't be that bad a shot if your husband 'got shot at' every day. Or was he rather just in the vicinity of a shooting. There's a massive difference.
I call my better half's 'the Spunk Dustbin'. Don't worry, she gets the joke! It's when I call her a 'b@tch' that I get a good kicking.
I'm not a girl, but saw the head woman of body shop, on tv, saying that there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that sperm is excellent for your skin.
In my own experience, sperm has cleared up the spots on both sets of Wor Lass's cheeks!
Getaway, he's not off to war. It's bloody over. Then he'll still have access to the internet, since the army has an extremely well developed 'welfare package'. He'll be getting LSSA (longer service seperation allowance), a medal, free flights for R & R, and then he may just work in the clothing store, dishing out boots to proper soldiers.
Also, have you seen their accommodation out there. It may be tented, but what fantastic tents. He won't be living in a hole in the ground. Three square meals a day, cooked by the finest chefs in the world; the Army Catering Corps (now RLC). They have to undertake the hardest course in the British Army (no-one has ever passed it yet).
The only dangers out there are the RAF crashing stuff and over-wanking!
Told you. Just want to see if it's worked. We're not very computer literate and have had problems re-sizing the bloody thing so it would be accepted.
Sometimes, we'd be better off with a couple of tin cans and a bit of string.
Sorry for posting this meaningless drivel.
We're off to the Office in Bristol this Saturday. Is anyone else here coming? We're easy to recognise. I'm the male, a Japanese-Geordie (Slanty-eyes and says 'Whey-Aye_man' alot). And wor lass is Welsh, so she has a pointy head; a product from a millenia of Celtic in-breeding
We're quite a reserved couple, haven't done much there, so don't expect too much from us, although I think were just about to break into the swinging scene - with a bang - after several visits to the club. (My other half is the reserved one - but she's made all the baby sitting arrangements and is taking me there this time. So I guess she's the one 'more' excited about this expedition - this time!)
So say Hello. Honest, slanty-eyes and a Geordie accent. You won't miss us.
Give us a 'Whey-Aye-Banzai' and I'll know you've read this!
Our ad is in our user name.
I think the point you're making is, a person with a hint of intelligence is sexier than someone who doesn't know where to stick an apostrophe. I mean, if you don't know where to stick your punctuation - how the hell do you know where to stick a dick. (No question mark required; it's a rhetorical question).
However, my punctuation is pretty good - but 'Wor Lass' is severley dyslexic - but intelligent (she's just struggled through and passed a 60 point OU course - a mean feat), articulate, attractive and extremely athletic and a bloody good shag to boott! I affectionately call her 'My Spunk Dustbin'. It's a compliment; she knows that. But, if she put a post up here - it'd be pretty bad and you'd be missing a jolly good time.
I think it's difficult to judge a person by a written advertisement, but if that's all you've got to give to let potential swinging partners form an opinion of you, then some care should be taken to write it; and to reply to it. I'm sure we've all had 'one liners' that we just end up deleting or ignoring.
Further to that, a forum such as this indicates debate. Good communication is crucial in any debate. So a 'little' care should be taken with posts. Incorrect spelling and punctuation can lead to misunderstanding - so again, I agree with Will.
On the other hand, I'm a red-blooded Geordie - so just type 'Sexy woman wants cple's for sex' and you'd probably get a reply from us.
I'm Japanese, but was brought up in Geordie-land and posses slanty eyes and a broad Geordie accent.
One of the funniest nick-names I had when I joined the Army was 'Whey-Aye-Banzai'.
I had a few that weren't so funny mind! Especially since my training Troop Corporal's grandfather had been killed in the war by the Japanese! He really tortured me, and I knew there was a God when he was killed in a car crash six weeks into basic training.
We should also add that there's to be no sex fun till we get to The Office - then that's only if we're compatable. T isn't fussy - he'd shag the cat. H is a bit more choosy. So lets keep it simple - car share only!