Hiya can we add our names to the list please we would love to come to the munch we have been to the last 2 nw munches and enjoyed them very much and we would like to be able to wear our badges again Love Keith and Dee (cplemids)
Just in case you were in any doubt yes we are definately coming to the munch, can't wait if its half as good as the last one it will be great Keith and Dee cplemids
We too cancelled things to go and heard nothing in future perhaps people will think before they start to arrange things. Next time nw couple want to arrange something I hope they are not suprised when no-one is interested. K & D
Hiya Please can we have confirmation of place dates etc we have to make arrangements for animals etc and time is running out. We are very interested but would only be able to come sat am to sun. Sorry to press but we really do need to know final arrangements urgently. Keith and Dee