Quote by Omar The Wünderhorse
As someone that is of a similar age & the same colour of Science I must say that I find his attitude magnificent.
I have noticed how in my lifetime how the White population is absolutely obsessed with all things Black? Examples being how many White people that I have come across go on & on about theirs Tan’s when the Sun is out or after they go on Holiday.
I’ve even had some state to myself that “..am darker than you areâ€. I’ve had that much of it in my lifetime am now immune to such degrading insults at my pigmentation.
Yet when a Black person has a voice they are seen as aggressive, anti – social, trouble…. If you recall some of Maxwell’s behaviour was:
• Racist – incident with Roberto.
• Unhygienic – Scab & water with Human Waste in the Kitchen.
• Crude – Too many times to mention.
• Bully – Even when his ‘friend’ Craig was speaking Maxwell would dismiss him often very bluntly.
Hence the reason that idiot from North London went & Science stayed simple facts.
Whatever anyone thinks of Science he has been the most real – life character ever to step foot inside that House. He has never done angles such as being over the top or used Sexual Politics like so many of people in this series have.
The fella has arguments with people on the evening before nominations whilst all the others are playing two faced ‘happy families’ with each other.
The whole thing about Science in a way mirrors that of Muhammad Ali were people don’t like a Black Man having his say. In the end this is a democratic nation after all. It may appear that am saying that if you dislike Science then you’re a racist that’s not the case but all I ask is examine your reasons WHY you dislike him.
Derek is in my estimation not a very nice person & Kermal must at all times be the centre of attention even if it means creating issues with other people.
Amyways that my two pence worth.
Quote by Ice Pie
They are MY feelings, yet you feel able to dismiss them out of hand.
Quote by G and H
I take your point and yes I am not a psychological expert if i need any advise on that I go to my daughter she is a forensic psychologist.
With pre-fab I ment proggies like SPSS and the like. I prefer to do my own.
This whole thing was not and will not claim any scientific relevance whatsoever and was only intended for fun.
I never claimed it to be scientific or psychological.
But I do thank you and frecklebird for our discussion on it. There is nothing like a good argument.
Quote by HornyRed
Me and kitty would like to invite you all to a party, in honour of eagerslut and him reaching 2000 posts :eeek: of pure sluttish behaviour.
The doors will be open at 8pm, the only rule to this party is bad behaviour. Dress code will be a red thong please.
So if any of you people are feeling mischievous and slutty, then please join us and bring a bottle![]()
Eagerslut i do hope you enjoy yourself, and as its your party, you can be as outrageous and slutty as you please. Now everyone enjoy :drinkies:
Quote by G and H
Well deflowerer
Of course I have asked my wife but that is only one opinion and not representative
and i really love a good sense of humor when it is a good sense of humor.
Quote by quimninja305070
a nice firm bum ..........laughing eyes.............board shoulders.........short hair ..........and then if he has a sense of humour once i've spoken to him then he's mine................. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: