I got to say i must have replied to 50 ads on here over the years and have probably only had 3 replies.... is this normal??
Hi everyone. Just like to make a few points about the ads on here, especially the dogging adds. As far as the dogging ads go it would be a great help to us all if they were split up into male female or couple ads. At the moment when u look at them in a lot of cases u cant tell who is advertising untill u open the ad. U may think its a ladys ad only to see an erection instead of a pussy when u open it. Most of the ads are males anyway which makes trauling through them looking for couples and ladies a nightmare. Also it seems a lot of the swinging ads are gay guys posing as ladies in a hope of getting a meeting from an unsuspecting guy, or settling for a pic of his cock instead. Its very difficult to tell if a female advertiser is a genuine lady or not. I have a number of friends who have had experiences at meets where the 'lady' turn out to be a gay man. Alot of email address included in ads turn out to of been created on the same day as the ad was placed. Alarm bells ring for me in that situation... Some kind of varification of advertisers is needed here.
Your view are welcome...