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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 70
Bi-curious Female, 68
0 miles · West Midlands


Quote by silversmith
Your always a good sport at the socials wine, dont know what we would do wihtout you mate.
Gold,gotta keep my 100% for youre socials,after all they are the better get my name down...
Quote by DeeCee
i sort of get what you're saying...
so i will stay out of it wink
not having a go at you deecee xxxxxx
Quote by DeeCee
to be honest the arrogant twat aint worth a reply
this is not just a straight guy hang up as the lady here dont wanna be suckin on a cock thats been up an arsehole thats all i gotta say

is that a mans bum or a womans bum??
and how would one know for sure??one wouldnt
but if peeps told the truth it might help thats all the post meant and mr arrogant cam shy started spouting
to be honest the arrogant twat aint worth a reply
this is not just a straight guy hang up as the lady here dont wanna be suckin on a cock thats been up an arsehole thats all i gotta say
Quote by shad
No replies to our add went over the chase last night was totally dead whats gone wrong? we were looking for males as well

As Dork&Windy have already said, there was loads of action over the bank hol weekend. Sat night was rammed in the particular car park we were on. 3 couples and at least 6 or 7 single guys.
Even saw a woman running around with no knickers on. lolbloody hell we missed that fecker
Quote by djduck22
No replies to our add went over the chase last night was totally dead whats gone wrong? we were looking for males as well
we were up there fri/sat nite and loads of action going on
Quote by Try2
Can you add me to the list it may stop certain person moaning at me smile
moan grumble moan grumblemoan some more and a groan for fun
We do hope you get a full house for this one gold
as last yrs was fantastic mind you the weather helped
such a glorious day mmmm and all those naked bodys outside lol But must say air traffic control that day must have been haywire cos we never seen so many low flying aircraft in the space of a few hrs how funny was that has to be the best value offer for non members we have seen for ages gm xx
Quote by travlinmanukok
D G ....utmost respect didnt know you were in to the club scene ?? and such a long way to travell from bonny scotland :P :P :P
Next time try liberty elite nr lutterworth Leicestershire wink wink wink
and ps ... do you do Barmitzfa's and after dinner speeches .........
steve x
gotta agree try libs its the most laid back club in the country and the guys are pure gents no hassle there gm
Well what can we say gold and silversmith but once again you pulled it off what a fantastic food was a1 really nice meal caberet was second to none yourself included and to top it all off there were really nice people there all dresed to kill lol
Hope you are going to do another one soon WARTS n all love ya hun gm xxxxx
Quote by Melting_pot
I can't help but notice that the admin's original participation to the topic has dwindled to nothing.

says it all really they just dont give a shit for paying members
love to come gold really enjoyed the last one it was brill and where else we gonna get a 4 course meal for 15 notes lol
happy birthday silver me old mucker on the day that doesnt you really sure you should be on this site as your only twelve lol have a good un gm xxx
Quote by deancannock
as I am doing nothing wrong...why should I worry. these cameras in public places have helped to convict terrorists..find the location of dangerous wanted criminals etc etc. I for one do not have a problem with them.
lets hope they dont put them on cannock chase then lol
Quote by twos_company
if its a pub meet a game of pool and a little tease gets them going lol n chat while playing

rack them up we on our way
Quote by fem_4_taboo
theres an ignore button?
where? does it work in chat?
xx femxx
no it doesnt but bloody well should they can do it on free sites
Quote by Suede-head
It`s simple Hell ... we can say " ... as members we are meeting up at a club if you want to join us"
But we can not say " ... as members we are meeting up at an event held by a non member if you want to join us"
maybe we should call it club valentines night still despite certain people trying to feck it up we still got over 115peeps going cya there guys
Quote by Freckledbird

rotflmao rotflmao

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:what about the solicitor in the middle with the red hat on thats my auntie and she is on the game
Quote by Freckledbird
oh yes loads of money coming my way thats deffo my uncle sat at front and he is a top lawyer in his field hehe

He's a crap lawyer, if he's getting a bus to practise law in a field! lolits sods law
Quote by Freckledbird
Coooooooooool! :giggle:
i sure hope you got permission off bus passengers to post there pics on here especially as they are not members of sh dont want ya breaking any rules
It's the same bus that we've all added slogans to!
Not really possible to see any faces, is it?oh yes loads of money coming my way thats deffo my uncle sat at front and he is a top lawyer in his field hehe
Quote by Dirtygirly
Coooooooooool! :giggle:
i sure hope you got permission off bus passengers to post there pics on here especially as they are not members of sh dont want ya breaking any rules
Quote by west-brom-babe
ok ok as you lot are so understanding where the hell do i start? ok we may be here quite a while.........
last night i went to a new swingers club that had just opened in the west mids with a friend we knew a few site members were going for a nose.
we got there pm and there was around 10 people in and omfg what a dump. afer 2 ciggys and a drink it was time to leave (30 mins after arriving lol) as we were leaving there was a young couple on their way out they paid up then it was our turn, as we went to pay up the police arrived asking what was going on the young asian man said to them its a private members club police asked what time they were closing the young man said i dunno when it goes dead. this raised a smile to both of us as we were thinking it is dead lol the police then asked well what time does your licence say the young man seemed to be very very alarmed by the police being there and was struggling to answer them he then said we dont have one as we dont sell alcohol at this the police asked to look around and as we got out of the door we agreed we had had a lucky escape......
part 2 lol...........
the young couple that left infont of us were just pulling away in their car the person i was with started to put the postcode for chams into the sat nav then we started to leave, half way up the street the sound went off on the sat nav so as we got to the junction he stopped and started sorting the sat nav, i looked up to see the young lady who had just left the club ahead of us was walking towards our car i thought wtf???? i then looked across the road and said omfg move now we are in the red ligt district ffs to the person i was with saying fek and moved quick lol. we then got to chams thank god i thought lol
part 3 ........
by this time is around midnight so we decided to get a drink and sit down for 5 mins we were standing at the bar when a polish lady and what appeared to be her partner started to argue the argument was over her fee lol, so we moved went outside for a ciggy after a few mins a woman behind us fell over one of the sunbeds she was a little drunk by this stage im thinking omg what a night we both just burst into fits of laughing the people around us were just looking one said your not supposed to laugh lol the person i was with said its not her falling over we are laughing at its whats happened to us tonigh people just sat in shock looking at us. i can honestly say its the best evening out ive had in years ive never laughed so much!!!!!
bloody hell westy sounds like you go to some of the best places have to let us know where they are lol not had a laff for ages xx
Quote by goldsmith
It still surprises me the amount of people that smoke on cam !!
As you say, no offence meant, but if there`s one single activity that would stop me from meeting somebody, it`s smoking on cam. Don`t think it would worry Mrs f either way.
In our limited experience, I`d say there is a higher percentage of smokers in here than in our real life but it is a tricky one because, how many people actually smoke in social situations nowadays ???

I would love to give up smoking, but I have very little willpower, and I do smoke on cam, after all I am in my own home, and that gives me the right to do as I feel fit. I am often asked why I smoke on cam, and my reply is simple, it's because i choose to. I am also often told I look sexy on cam smoking, which i do admit i find baffling lol.
If people dont like meeting smokers, then of course that's their choice. We wouldn't smoke at a home of someone who doesn't smoke - but we do at our own home, as that's our own territory. It's all a matter of respect and common sense.
I personally have a major aversion to people being so drunk they can hardly string two words together, either in the chatroom or in person.
The debate will run i think ......
Goldsmithnever smoked after sex but to be honest never looked had an awful smell of burning rubber though