i expect its to do with indicating how much you are connected and sexually focussed. i got snogged and tongued in all of an instant, before recoiling, by a guy in a club one night. it wasn,t unpleasant but unexpected.
but most people hand out the odd peck or two, scaling up to a smacker and then the more intimate snog.
but you do need to know where those lips were last in action. like my guy above, he may well have been snogging an altogether different orifice before launching himself on me......
there is a house down the road from me and it still has last years xmas tree waiting to be collected. I was thinking of decorating it.
A debate is what happens before an argument.
An argument is what happnen before the thread gets locked.
well something anywhere will always be local to people it is next to, therefore wherever you trek off to; you are going to be doing it in someone else's neighbourhood.
so yeah i'm hip to that but not in my back yard?
Been watching Downton Abbey?
But what else will you wear with it? A morning suit? It seems to lend itself to an overcoat with big buttons, a cravat,riding boots, breeches and a walking cane. possibly a dalmatian following behind
I know you don't approve of cheating Tweeks. up to a point you can govern people's behaviour, but it crosses a line to think that thoughts and feelings can be scrutinised or even controlled?
Unfortunately that is the visible evidence in the UK, in some cases. But at the same time represents a sense of freedom in that, dreadful though such women are, they feel entitled to street walk. or they are being pimped out by a crook.
Whereas something is keeping the women off the streets in the Federalist Euro states. which we may see as being legit and all above board and effectively government controlled etc. But might simply mean that criminals have been given the legitimacy to run their business.
So either situation may cause some unease if you consider them for what they are. All that has to be done is change a few laws and the crook is a businessman. he still continues to use his way of working.
A man is better off simply doing something which he needs to do. You consult with the woman afterwards, its a lot easier.
well let's just apply some of the ideas about prostitution to swinging.
Would you want swinging to be subject to a set of legislation and procedures which you know don't already exist and might become difficult to implement.
Would you like someone from the 'ministry' attending the Wigan Munch, testing, examining advising etc whilst you were going about your activities.
well just imagine it for a moment. Its not easy to think you could happily proceed with something like that. But it seems to be the thing people offer as an answer to the question of prostitution.
So the public seems to have the expectation that their sex workers be clean, legal and regulated etc. but what regulates them that expect that?
Also most of the ways of using sex workers are already legal.
The point is, you can't be too intrusive in this. because you are getting in between a private and personal thing between people. and that then interferes with the act of sex as much as prostitution.
Its beginning to look like we have a new "Brucie' in our midst..................
One way Easy Jet to Limerick?
I think then that there are several people who are into swinging because they want to run that risk, and give themselves the feeling that they have survived it somehow.
Its not that complicated really. if you want to run an event and you are fairly concerned about ending up in a financial mess, or picking up the bill or some of it, then you need to run it as a commercial event. set out your stall and see who comes to it.
There's plenty of people out there who will pay for a well organised and provisioned event.
Yes of course you can still choose to give or not. but it doesn't feel the same does it?
It would be genuinely voluntary if it originated from someone's good will. But once it is suggested it becomes more of an expectation or obligation.
I think its unlikely you would make a profit from this. But if you are serious about running it on a sound financial basis then the Commercial Forum was set up to simplify that way of doing things.
Why don't you email some of the organisers and get a better idea of what you are trying to do. They could probably advise you better than with what you are doing in the forum now.
lets just say that with most swinging or indeed any social encounters, getting down to splitting costs comes a bit later in the proceedings, ie after some familiarisation with one another and a growing sense of trust and confidence.
being hit with it from the outset just isn't that appealing?
I think if you go in there and do it justice, you won't have the issues you are getting in this forum.
I think marriage in those middles ages represented a lot more than it does now. it often consolidated the wealth of two families, and a healthy married couple could go on to rule their domain for many years. thus keeping many people at almost poverty level.
So anyone who could break that deadlock became something of a hero. Cuckolding was one of the devices to undermine that power.
So have a look in the Commercial forum and get an advert like those ones and choose your price.
its no good trying to sit in the middle and ask for charity.
There is a lot of reference to cuckolding in Shakespeare. In those plays it seemed that cuckolding was a means of undermining someone who had either power or authority over you. It seemed to be more to do with bringing someone down a peg or two in the world. In so doing giving them a lifelong stigma. but it also seemed that most couples survived such things and still do today.
You may or may not be aware of what you could get into. Once word gets about that Monique will do sex for a voluntary contribution, you may be inundated with a variety of blokes who see it as a cheap alternative to their usual brothel.
The coming and going on the site of such blokes could at times be unmanageable. And very soon you will have the Wild West all over your friends property.
not clever unless you really know what you are doing. and to be honest it doesn't sound like you have thought this through yet.
I think being made a cuckold involves cheating by the wife, under the direction of the adulterous male. So going out swinging with this idea in mind isn't the same thing, its just play acting or role play designed to create a set of feelings and responses.
its a development from what in reality is a threat to many a couple. its not something one would want to bring on for real.
But its fun for some, so whatever.....................
one begins to wonder how the concept of multitasking women got about...........
The way it seems to work with most couples is that they arrive at the same thoughts round about the same time as each other. then its more or less easy to springboard into swinging.
in other cases there is a period of thoughtful consideration and deliberation as each comes round to the other's way of thinking and a reasonable arrangement is struck.
if you have already forged ahead and been getting into your own world of sexual adventuring, then you will need to do some doubling back. if your normal sex life is still okay, then you could find a point of origin whereupon swinging may be possible.
But if she hasn't got the slightest interest in it, and it really isn't in her nature; then it just won't happen.
But if your relationship has already gone beyond a certain point then you probably need conventional guidance if you want to restore what you had.
maybe one day you will just come straight out with it and ask her, and she might just say " i thought you'd never ask!'.................or maybe not
There's plenty here with a big gob.........
This could almost segue into the 'hardened' swinger debate. ie at what point do you feel its no longer an organic thing but is manufactured reality. Well its mostly in between but nearing either end of the scale depending on the circumstances. But with sex in its many forms its often a needs must thing. So its no different with swinging.
also it might be that these cocks are not fully erect and that would lead onto the possibility of checking erectile dysfunction?
And isn't it still illegal to display a penis rampant? Which is why most are sported half mast?
not a very comprehensive diagnosis?
a doctor in what?
Doctorates come in many shapes and sizes, some ten a penny.
I think you could get a doctorate in scaffolding if needed.