this sat 17th is bibibaby in Romford, for bi males, females, and Cpls, tvs, all welcome, very friendly, and lots of fun
party this saturday in romford this is a bi night but people with open minds welcome to attened, bi men-women-cpls all welcome , some straight couples and men do attened because this is such a good night , this is held once a month and each month is getting more and more busy , it really is a good night so come and enjoy youself.
look forward to seeing you there.
Mods edit: Sorry, you cant post the web address of the club. Members should contact you by PM for it. Thanks
we are going to club baloos this friday why not come alone and join us and have a great evening , all welcome ring for details
the other list is growing nicely should be a good turn out
well the list seems to be going well thanks peeps
com on peeps leave a reply to let us know if ur coming
you are all invited to attend the essex christmas social , held at club baloos on fri 18th of December, Pease bring your own drink , a buffet will be provided, all welcome.
cpls singles single girls free. fun starts from 9-30 onwards till very late .
for more information visit or phone xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
party fri november 27th join me and the wife for a great night at club baloos in romford all welcome, bring ur own booze,cpls singles , single girls free.
UK Couple
vannesanmark +1
the venue is in Romford near the ice ring on an industrial est off the big roundabout, if lost ring , hope to see you all there.
Single ladies
single males
soul 1315
sexy Aron
i can confirm that curtains will be up
well we are going ,lol if you would like to leave your names we will put you on the list !!!!
This is to let everyone know we are holding another Essex meet in Romford at club Baloos.
**** ON FRIDAY THE 16TH OF OCTOBER *****************
The last meet was a success and feel the time is right for another.
This meet is open to all who feel they would like to attend a relaxed evening so singles, couples,people from other clubs all are welcome.
please bring your own drink, a buffet will be provided
the cost is for cpls for singles.
from 9-30 till late , will the last one out turn the lights off!!! this post has the blessing of Bob and Lisa who are a bit busy at the mo.
essex meet all welcome baloos club in romford tonight
hiya yep we will be there
hiya bob /lisa will be there hopefully
hi put us down too pls would be fun to come along thanks
we essex cpl herby give comfermation of our intention to attend said meet
hiya put us down for that one , look forward to it , barry and sue essexcpl