can you plz tell us where abouts it is just area tks m/m
hia we would like to cummmmmmmmm us as a cpl and a male pal if thats ok.
maggie/mik. xxxxxxxxxx
Hia could you add our names plz we would love to cum
tks maggie/mik
hiya guys!yes we will be there deffo! just need details now lol.
love you take care mick maggie xxxxxxxxx
Hia we would love to cum to the party were abouts is it.
maggie/mik. xxxxx
hia would love to come to the social so could you stick us down plz.
thanks maggie/mik
youv,e got less than no chance without more info about yourselves.......are you new to this by the way.
hiya!yeh we remember all those and more!!!!!! check our profile and we can all have a sing song lol.
cheers mags/mik xx
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