Hello people, of London, Essex, Herts, and Even the home counties. and From anywhere else in the country.
I am going to run a social on 2nd December. this gives us in the south a chance to meet up with other on this site. I have run 2 other socials, about 6/7 years ago, and very well attended. this is open to old friends that know us, and to new ones to make new friends.
There will be limited spaces for single males. if you all wish to come, please leave your names below.
details for this will be given out in novmember and hotel details can be given by contacting me by PM. hope to see a few faces there.
the world is full of up and downs. and i hope to be a part of it.
don't let the buggers grind u down.
also certified by sarah, as one of the last men standing