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1 month ago
Straight Male, 63
0 miles · Lincolnshire


Lincolnshire!!...😲.............really!!?? yrs in this County.........never stumbled across one of these before!!🤣

Not cars...but if its a motorcycle......well im instantly distracted from the main subject of the pic!!...and always trying to identify it!!😊...........perhaps im on the wrong site!!🤣

Freezing my nuts off in Skeggy..............and i paid a fortune for a "seeded" loaf at out local Co Op!!bolt

Meeting swingers in that would be a novelty!!! icon_biggrin

Sadly not................but if its as good as the rock and blues weekend your in for a treat!!!..........great weekend.....and even better if you hook up with some one!!...enjoy!!

Oh how i feel your pain Stevedee!!......and a welcome change to see an understanding/sympathetic response....makes a change from the "string him up" usual ones ive had on this site and others from those who are lucky enough to have no idea what their talking about.........good luck

Wow!!!......some are so high up on that lofty morale high ground its wonder they dont have a nose bleed !!

i think perhaps he's been burned at the stake!! icon_eek

Quote by 2for2more
Quote by etv
If only this was as easy to fix...........with talking....there are times and good reasons when no amount of heart to hearts will fix things........and divorce is not what either want.......negative comments are understandable and to be expected.....but until you have been in this situation it may be wise to go easy on the condemnation......remember its easy to tell the homeless guy to get a job and sort himself out when you have one and all life's comforts.........and you may well be right..............but not always!!!
 So, It's ok to cheat if you're p'd off enough?

 As i said ...unless or until you find yourself in this impossible situation ,with no hope of it getting any all....ever,not next week,next month,next year,next 10 years.............then a slightly less predictable knee jerk reaction may be wise,i genuinely hope you are never in this very sad situation....only then would you really be in a position to understand!!........oh and i get p'd off when i stub my toe,scratch the car..........slightly different level.......and with that i shall so no more!!!

Quote by Cubes
Erm could you guys lay off the use of the full stops please, they're in pretty short supply due to fears over Brexit, and we're trying to stockpile them for emergencies (full stop)

 Nah..........there's a great big pile of them next to the butter mountain and wine lake!!............................icon_biggrin

If only this was as easy to fix...........with talking....there are times and good reasons when no amount of heart to hearts will fix things........and divorce is not what either want.......negative comments are understandable and to be expected.....but until you have been in this situation it may be wise to go easy on the condemnation......remember its easy to tell the homeless guy to get a job and sort himself out when you have one and all life's comforts.........and you may well be right..............but not always!!!

i'm kinda guessing it will be like the other 5 on here..........but live in hope! icon_biggrin....happy new year to all !!

Interesting post, well i am married on here and quite open about that and not trying to "dupe" any one...whats the point?....i have my own reasons for being here and there not to fulfill fantasies ......walk a mile in my shoes...etc...i enjoy the chat rooms...when there going well..and so far have found most on here fair and non judgemental ...which is nice...unlike another well known site i was on where married guys were crucified and vilified with "gusto" to a point where i would carry my own hammer and nails......saved time!! if your struggling...then i have no real chance what so ever......but i continue to log on while it still raises a smile....and mean no harm or offence to anyone....