Quote by ttmd
I'm home alone at the moment. Straight 28/m. So, um, what do I do now?
i suggest you start posting on the forum and get to know people a little better before expecting one of the angels to help you out, because just posting on here with hardly any threads probably means your just after a woman to cyber with mate, so get to know people here before expecting many to chat with
Oh. I assumed from the content that this site was full of horny people looking to have uninhibited fun. I thought the chatty stuff was just "window dressing".
got a lot to learn then havnt you
How arrogant.
I don't think Welsh One was being arrogant at all, he was saying it as it is; you do have a lot to learn if you think that the chat is 'window dressing'
Oh of course. All forum menbers are really good mates who just happen to fuck each other, not people who just want to fuck each other making up some sort of social thing so that they can pretend that they aren't addicted to casual sex. Who are you trying to kid?
(Note sarcasm) :)
Even if that was all true do you think being a dick is the best way to go about talking to or even meeting other people????