we never put our names down cos we had sommat else on now looks like its fell through so can we come pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwese
errrrrrrrrrr can we come tis neer mr birfday too xxxx
yes yes yessssssssssssss were comming xxx
we could be out tonight if any cples are interested xxxx
any other couples fancy partners sun ???
if ur neer darlestone u just oto goto chams top place best club we ever been to
well put is down should be able to make this one and its mr birthday cple of days before so anyone got a prezzy for me lol :twisted:
errrr if theres still space left for two wed like to come xxx
that would be because we had our mailbox set not to acept mail from single males could we suggest you resend as now we have now changed our settings
ohhhhhhhhhh not long to go now aint been to a party for ages gerring all exited alredy xxxxx :twisted:
any room for a couple of little uns xxx
sounds like fun we havnt been to a party in ages xxx
couldent agree more with NWC ,ther is pple we have met and gone seperate ways wen we wernt intersted in them and ther is some pple we have met and they have wanted to go seperate ways as they wernt interested in us sometimes pple have a genuine reason and some may not have been but it is all about personal choices some of our best friends on here we have not got on with sexually and we still class them as friends but, what about the ones we have or been redjected by be very easy for us or them to post a load of bs just to hapmer ther chances of fun on here anyhow hope u have fun on here we have had our share of fun timewaters and some downright idiots but it aint all bad
sorry play looks like well have to cancle we both been up all night with this crap arsed flue sorry see u again some other time xxxx
earthy if we get rid of this crap arsed flue ther any space left for us 2 ??
go on will do but maybe only mr who comes depends on mrs work xxxx
dependant on what date it is stick us down been ages since ween been uppp norf lol xxx
we know a few places arround leeds areas any cples interested mail us xxx
sh have pin badges dunno were u gonna pin um though wen ur naked lol
go on then if there any places out us dwon for it xxxx
better put us down for it !!!!!
could u please pm us a list of hotels xxxx
swife go on then seen as we have to guess well try a munch havnt ben to many only the odd 10 or so lol hope we joined erly enough too lol :twisted: