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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
Bisexual Female, 40


been out first time in ages last weekend yes ur right ther was a few idiots arround one car with a cple of lads in shining torches ext muppets would be interested in knowing other areas as not long been down this way on now i getting out a little xx fire xx
hi could u take us of the list please didnt realise we are away that weekend alredy ty xxx
as a pig farmer this is a very worrying time for me we recently sent 400 pigs away they came back in all in rashers and some of them was all streaky too im affraid a few more may have to go for the chop too but on a serious note its always one tradgady after another 20 years ago u wouldent have knoiwn about this new tecnology making news / travvel ext global incrise the hype about sutch things and as for british pig products i spend all day with them but ffs if one starts coughing and sneezing its outathere lol
on ur way to skegness theres a street called fanny hands way got the sign fromit in the attick at me dads couldent resist it lol
sounds about right for the scene in the last few years it seems swinging has become fasionable and too easy to find so on the most the pple on websites in general esp free ones arnt really swingers they just want to be associated with it cos id seen to be cool crowd lol plus ther is allot that bottle at the last ming that really genuinly want to do it but lose ther nerve at the last minite btw if ur ever up neer yorkshire pls let us know xxxx
Quote by Westfield4
One of the problems round here is the boy racers who like to flash their ligths to attract people over, and then take the piss or drive off at high speed.
You have to be very careful who is in the other car before walking over and having a look.
Shame you had the problems but its not your wifes fault looking at the photos.
If you were closer you won't be able to keep me away.
Good Luck
if u ever get our way be shure to let us know we will if we venture down ur way too wink
Quote by Zeddies
firehott00001 thanks for the cheque looks like it took its time coming. Post mark is for the 10th.

out here in the middl eof nowere we get weekley post not daily lol right looking forward to gerring out again cu sat dunno if well be dressed up like she might be though lol
well unfortunatley seen as we had a gawed awfull weekend were everything that could go wrtong has gone wrong we regrettably say well defo be ther cos ffs cant be as bad as this weekend lol looking forward to seeing u all xxxxx
looks like were going to have to pull out of this one same weekend as arena uk and seen as we just qualified for a national horse show guess we goto go
i just been told we definatley going out app we could do with a night out so im told lol
Quote by tandb08
We are definately going, even if we are on our own. So thats a start. Come on people. put your names down. Lets have some
go on then well defo go too xxxx
well we could be interested also but would be more interested if ther was more cples going so count us as a posibly maybe lol
well looks like were free that weekend sofar so pls can u put us on the list xxxxxx