Probably explains why the divorce rate was so much lower back then... :uhoh:
About 10 years ago I lived in Leicester, had a very good job, nice batchelor flat + posh car etc. I was always concerned that I would be seen as a meal ticket and actually considered the snip to prevent it from happening! I always used a condom but there were been a few occasions when it has burst, when this has happened I have insisted that I accompany the girl to the chemist for the morning after pill... Sounds tuff but there is no protection from the courts for single men that take precautions but get trapped, and a short visit to the chemist is far better than the sleepless nights waiting for the knock on the door...
Sad thing is I did get stung, but I fell for a far more clever stunt than "oops I'm pregnant"...
Pardon me. I'm just getting fed up with the flag bashing trend that is starting.
Sorry your thread was the one that sparked my reaction.
Pardon me for being un-PC but what is wrong with those patriotic folk who want to support our national team and display our national flag? Is it suggested that we do not support our team in this tournament? If my memory serves me right, the whole country was absorbed with the Rugby World Cup and The Ashes, why should this be any different?
I admit that I would not attach the flag to my car or house (except perhaps if war loomed) but I cannot stand by and hear others belittle those that do. To assume that flying the flag dictates class or some sort of social position is something that I find quite hypocritical from a group of people who are themselves often attacked by others less understanding.
It seems all too common to berate such easy targets as those that fly our country's flag. Perhaps we should remember that it is only through the passion of those who fought and had pride in our nation that we are able to enjoy the freedom of expression that we all enjoy today.
I don't want to bitch (being such a newbie poster) but take it easy guys.
Yes, I've just had the same problem. I clicked forgot password, had a new one sent to me and reset it once I had logged in.
Congratulations and good luck with the practical, it's certainly changed a lot since I took mine!
Be careful out there...
You've got the muff - Candi Statton
Take my muff - Billy Eldridge
One for the single guys...
All out of muff - air supply
Thank you for the warm welcome winchwench.
Here's another...
Addicted to Muff - Robert Palmer
Too much muff will kill you - Queen