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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
Bi-curious Female, 56
0 miles · West Midlands


Gimme hell anyday!!!
Casinos, pubs, lapdancing, munches , to name but a FEW :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Not sure about going to heaven confused All them * (grm) christians in one place :?
biggrin wink
We would never tell anyone we knew...ever.
We don`t think anybody suspects as they would not believe we would misbehave :twisted: in that sense in a million years.
That said, it can get a little lonely and occasionally we would like to share our secret with someone we knew. However, the potential complications rule that option out....sadly.
der heeeeellllllooo said friends style
with all due respect (already mentioned by bailiffs)..because it means "actually matey with absolutely no ...kin respect whatsoever"
Dance around the grass dunno
Bite the bullet
Grasp the nettle
Piss in the wind
Piss on yer chips
novel, courageous (yes minister)
We have searched for THE defining connotation but still end up with a long and colourful list of what an ankle bracelet MAY signify!
hot wife
open marriage
willing slavery
fashion accessory (perhaps to draw attention to pretty feet/ankles/legs biggrin )
prostitution (real or fantasised)
It only really matters what YOU want to wear them for. For us they really do give an evening out together an extra sexual buzz for maybe one,some or all of the above reasons ! x
Have to agree with ciscocat,
I got burnt BADLY a couple of years ago. The worst of it was 2 days later when it itched like mad UNDER the skin, in other words impossible to scratch. Vinegar in a spray bottle not only brought instant relief, it also seemed to cure it.
Type into google "vinegar+uses" ........versatile piece of kit
Quote by jamnat20032003
id have sex before football anytime
now if it was rugby league
id have sex while waqtching rugby on tv lol

True, plus its another reason to cover the bedroom with mirrors.
However,football lasts 90 minutes or more and the unmatchable elation of ball crossing line can happen several times in just a few minutes....unlike my lovemaking :cry:
That said, sex is the sexier out of the two :twisted:
"mmmmmmmmmm for the elusive single bi-female"
"ahhhhh, that holy grail that is the single fem"
"wanted, single fem (in our dreams,lol )" etc etc etc rolleyes
Dont get it dunno
Someone has to explain to us what it is about three that is so so much better than four and what can be done with three that can`t be done with four.
This is where we, especially I (mr fox) can`t help being slightly cynical about the undertone to this, even to the extent where we would shy away from any advances from a couple who "seek the elusive single fem" but will, I suppose, if push comes to shove :roll: , meet a fem AND the pesky bloke too.
Maybe we are spectacularly missing the point. Maybe we`d rather not be enlightened. Seems too frustrating and infrequent an occurence to put at the top of our wish list.
Really, we understand how :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: a threesome would be, but don`t understand some of those who make no secret of the fact that having to involve the 4th member is all rather inconvenient.
As a couple who like the social side to a meet , we much prefer the 2nd male involvement.
Foxys x
Quote by VenusnMars
Just out of interest (as you do) we decided to conduct a search for posts containing the terms 'Stella' and 'Neil'. Four pages 76 matches :shock:
Unsure how to translate this into pints. Any ideas?

And so , predictably, someone out there gives "Neilinleeds" and "Bollox " a whirl.
144 matches !!! Mind, this does SUGGEST that some 3584 of his posts contained no bollox whatsoever dunno lol Is he infact overrated?
If I fell in love with a girl and she fell in love with me and then she confessed she was a working girl, I am quite sure that I would pursue the relationship, regardless of which end of the market place she found herself.
I would then try to persuade her to change jobs. Not because it involved having no strings sex but because of perceived dangers, baggage, risks, health etc.
Welcome Kit-off , definitely a thought provoking question/s.
Aaww, the end of an era. Maybe you could`ve made one more post together from a roof top somewhere?
Still, good luck with you`re separate writing careers! Though it was fun trying to work out who had written what :lol2:
FFS , I chose the word "empaphise" most carefully.
About as much attention was paid to THIS as the the attention paid to the guidelines...Food for thought?
I was not condoning the incorrect choice of category, I was merely pointing out WHY I thought it occured.
And in edit rolleyes
I`ve read and re read the category for the first time and think I`ve just understood why some guys put their advert here!
I don`t think they`re ALL trying their luck.
For the first time I can empaphise.
The category description isn`t quite foolproof.
In edit , some guys obviously think it`s where women look when seeking for men.
Our thoughts, not necessarily in any order;
"Oldie regulars" may post inane topics without fear of it being locked or ridiculed, newbies almost certainly face the fault, just natural, human prejudgement.
Quality IS preferable to quantity, but as has been mentioned on this thread, it is possible for a poster to post both quality AND quantity.
Computer/internet ownership AND sexual liberation seems to be rising exponentially within the UK, hence the accelerating increase in membership.
Many oldies were once multiple posters. Many of these oldies are now measured,quality posters. However, the amount of newbies is accelerating, therefore there will always be more newbies going through the "multi post" stage. Therefore, sadly, the board may be "doomed" to multi postings/lower quality as there will always be a growing influx of eager new posters growing at a rate faster than those who fall by the wayside. Quotes around doomed as it may not be a bad thing, its simply evolution for better or worse. Its easy to try selective reading but as you know, you can skip a boring looking thread, only to return to it later when you`ve run out of things to read, only to find a CORKER of a thread!!!
Newbie bating is alive and doubtlessly deserve it, others don`t. A very grey area.
Downright laziness when writing posts is inexuseable, but posts pointing out small errors are more pointless than the pointless posts.
There is an overuse of the word judgemental to the extent where we are not even sure what it means anymore.
Sorry no summary, conclusions or recommendations other than to say that those who run and assist in the running of the site have an unenviable task.
Maybe this thread will throw up some suggestions?
Sorry, but I can`t read his posts without hearing the voice of Alan Partridge. It`s alsohappening with Kreegers posts. confused
AP was clumsy rather than intentionally malicious.
He also had many many desires he couldn`t quite admit to....openly.
Oh no :shock:
The ONLY problem with ressurected threads is that there may be a huge chunk of the book missing. I think Libra, like many of us, came to realise that many issues here are grey in colour as oppose to black or white.
Your friend feels the way we would have felt a couple of years ago in that situation. sad
It simply is not her fault and you need to reassure her that there is nothing weird about this community (well not in the dark sense anyway cool )
Personally in this situation , I would postpone the meet, print off THIS thread with all its real passion and sentiments, print off the ENTIRE Davej avatar challenge thread, where there is NO "crap or trouble" insist she read all of it, THEN meet her. These threads and probably many others demonstrate that you don`t come on here at least , purely for sex with strange and weird people :scared:
Eitherway good luck, the LAST thing you would want is to lose a good friend as a result of lifestyle and I happen to think the onus is on you to try and bring her round to a more open minded approach to things.
Not forgetting the "single transferable vote" which ensures that EVERYBODYS vote has relevance.
Sorry about the seriosity (such a word? :shock: ) it`s just a little splash back from when elections mattered.
Hiya Bell,
we are sorry to hear things didn`t work out for you with Mrs Bell. Welcome back though. wave
Foxys x
The Mrs always groans and attempts to make a quick exit whenever "Something in the way" is reached on Nirvanas' Nevermind. :haha:
I only ever play the album in the car. :scared:
In truth, unless a couple met within the "scene" ONE of a couple must voice the idea to spice things up a little.
I find it a little sad (as in traditional sad, not the Harry Enfield version sad ) when someone in a loving relationship feels the need to seek outside of the relationship for fun due to the partners reluctance.
Easy for me to say, I was dealt a decent hand of cards....which to me is not a basis to take the higher moral ground. However, I would still urge you to leave it a while longer to see if your partner likes the liberated atmosphere that prevails around these parts smile
Quote by Markforu
I posted married but swinging alone because that shows me to be honest not a time waster

Welcome, as an honest sort of guy you may let your wife in on the site. she may enjoy it.
Quote by Mr Ben and friends
What's St George's Day got?.... Hot cross buns. Which are.. very tasty but nothing to get excited about.

Curry......... apparently biggrin
Happy Birthday Neil from us.....29 years and 84 months old, just a pup xxxxxxxx
Don`t worry Orpheous, Stone Roses are there. I nearly made the same mistake complaining about the lack of ABBA.
I guess Green Days` album is fast turning into a "every househld must have one" and I agree that Keane will be too, as will scissor sisters.
Just a few early thoughts really, sorry if any points have already been mentioned.
When was the cut off point? I would have expected to see Muse, Absolution in there.
Morning Glory spawned more hits and was far more polished than Definitely Maybe
I like OK computer though occasionally have to make sure Im not listening to the Beatles White Album. I find KidA pretentious but detect a definite passion from its followers.
Comments such as "XXXX are crap" and "XXXXX" is the dogs are pointless and not relevant. Music is personal, spiritual and means different things to different people.
Quote by davej
A nice post Foxy's, but why worry about your personna showing through if you were to post more. Part of what makes the cafe in particular, appealing to me, is the personallities that post here, wether they have a bent for the humorous, the advisory, the serious or the controversial.
I made the decision early on not to be too critical of the shite I post, otherwise I would have got hung up on myself and would probably have hovered over the submit button much more than I do, by doing this I have got much more out of the cafe. By posting I've been able to make people more aware of who I am, which has had the knock on affect of making talking to folk at munches and meeting up with folk, much easier because we kinda know each other a little bit already.
The site itself afforded mrs davej and myself the oppurtunities to explore and experiance some of the things we needed to, so that we were then able to make a better informed decision about the direction we wanted to go, that done, we now enjoy the cafe for it's entertainment, the oppurtunities it gives to meet people and for the sense of belonging it can give.
I would say post away, let your personality show and enjoy the site even more. For me it's given me more fun back, than the effort that I've put in and that can't be a bad deal in this day and age where in general you get owt for nowt.

Blimey Dave, kindve wrong footed me aswell. I read and reread your post in search of the gag, or failing that, any reference to hedgehogs or unicorns. :shock:
Seriously though, the sentiments in your post are spot on. The one thing I would point out though is that when I refer to worrying about any shreds of humour or personality escaping out into my posts, I am actually worrying about being recognised.
A tad irrational perhaps and it is so frustrating having to sit on my hands whenever someone brings up the subject concerning the aesthetic appreciation of Electric pylons (particularly the XL series erected ) knowing full well that a little over excitement on my part will reveal my identity to anyone browsing who happens to know me.
Actually that was tongue in cheek and a little extreme but you see the angle I`m coming from? In truth, Of the many regular posters on here, I am not aware of too many problems.I guess it`s all about us finding a balance...and worrying less biggrin
We are mainly on here for the entertainment (as in reading the forums) and to a lesser extent the chance of meeting with the like minded.
We don`t contribute as much as we would like for fear of our persona witnessing through our posts/opinions /humour. We do worry, a little too much, about this happening.
However, it is a wonderful place to read and exchange views with a liberated collection of people of all walks, sex, creed, colour etc.
Additionally the site is a fantastic source of other info. Off the top of the head we have learnt about many , real life , important issues and additionally the polarised, light hearted issues, for example and totally randomly ;
we have all but eliminated junk post, cold call telesales
Learnt ALOT from real life accounts concerning issues many people(us!) misunderstand (m.e, abuse, depression to name but 3)
discovered the wonderful sounds of the crazy frog MONTHS before it appeared on TV confused
rediscovered our love affair with space invaders, fantasia, pac man etc
discovered an appreciation of poetry
Humour. Full stop!
The list , to all intents and purposes, is endless and continues to fairness this post has only really addressed the forum, but there ya go! Essential reading.