Join the most popular community of UK swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 56
Bi-curious Female, 56
0 miles · West Midlands


Maybe they are rather clumsily trying to say that if their invites clashed they would probably choose the Deal or no deal after show orgy rather than the Jeremy Kyle one?
Somehow, don't know why, oral sex is less personal. If we are about to be apart for sometime we would much rather kiss or snog eachother goodbye rather than have oral.
I (Mr) had always been turned on by the idea of my partner with another much deliberating (years?) and LOTS of dutch courage one night, I brought up the idea.(not just the fantasy, but the urge to actually do something about it)
She found it cute how I`d bottled it up for so long. We then chose the internet as a place to slowly discover that so many people out there were infact just NORMAL people like us. :shock: :shock: :shock:
By the time we had made contacts and chatted the whole girl/girl thing had disappeared and turned into an urge to meet couples. To both of us, from the beginning, it seemed to be, and still is, a wonderful diversion from the normality of normal life and "normal" rolleyes people.
foxys x
The old " DaveJ ????? :shock: :uhoh: poke :eeek: " routine has probably been overdone now so we wont bother.
Congratulations to both of you and thanks in advance for agreeing to help out and giving us somewhere to visit smile
We have searched for THE defining connotation but still end up with a long and colourful list of what an ankle bracelet MAY signify!
hot wife
open marriage
willing slavery
fashion accessory (perhaps to draw attention to pretty feet/ankles/legs lol :lol: )
prostitution (real or fantasised)
It only really matters what YOU want to wear them for. For us they really do give an evening out together an extra sexual buzz for maybe one,some or all of the above reasons !
foxys x
Neither really, though we both loved the seahorses both on record and especially live :thumbup:
we wish you and your family the very best for the future. You`ve created a community which would now be impossible to break. Our guess is that you`ll now enjoy the benefits of anonimity :twisted: ; deservedly.
Quote by Dino
Billy the fish played in goals for Melchester Rovers Football Club
MRFC Great clue eh ! biggrin
wasted on you tho rolleyes wink

Football related topic warning......sorrys in advance
Hey, Dino, just read the whole thread (entertaining)but a footballing faux pas appears as an earthquake on my radar in much the same way a spelling mistake would with others. redface
At first I found the above tenuous clue hilarious worship ...then it occured to me........
Whilst Billy the Fish was undoubtedly one of the finest keepers of his genre, his club was FULchester........the MELchester hall of fame was built only for one man.....Roy Race...of course

Hijack over and profuse apologies for bringing THE "F" word up.....
Nice thread.
I (MR) tend to be the one who writes on here. If ever there's a hint of quality breaking through in a post then it means that has had an input, albeit a rare input.
However, if we receive a compliment by pm on our ad/avatar (normally........infact always, directed at her) then Mrs. Foxy will always jump on and thank the author of the pm provided the pm is in the right spirit. smile
So yes, we think anybody should feel free within this community to pay compliments by pm.
foxys x
Quote by Mister_Discreet
Here's a name from the dim and distant past... Rocky Horror. Decided to retire on 999 posts rather than make the predictable 1000th post 'thanks to all' that was expected in those days of visible post counts, but said that a return in a different identity was possible.

At a guess I`d say that you would have to observe VERY carefully.
Quote by bigDewi69
I would pose by Llanfairpwllgwyngillgogeralltllantyssyliogogogoch, but the sign wouldn't be long enough :lol2:

Hey bigDewi, you went and missed a bit......ychwyrndrobw...might be the bit about the rapid whirl pool biggrin
The above is the most informative discussion we have ever read on the web. I hope it is not insensitive to bring it to attention. boy did it change my, indeed both of our, earlier beliefs.
Quote by Happy Cats
were you agreeing with me?
I've put you down as a yes

Yes we were. Though the one scenario you cited did seem to describe an open marriage rather than a swinging marriage. Saying that, there must be an overlap somewhere, depending on the definition of swinging. biggrin Whatever that may be!
Forget the dictionary. There isn`t an absolute definition for swinging.
Us? The term swinging used to conjure up the image of wife swapping.
However, the English language evolves.
To us, the involvement of a single is also swinging...this, surely, also describes the single; a swinger?
The waters are muddy. Some would describe the cheating single as a CHEAT and not a swinger, yet the couple are still swingers? dunno
Then there is the justified cheat. To cut a long story short, there are scenarios( in our opinion) which justify the cheating. Arguably also a swinger?
Some of the posts on this thread suggest that sex PER SE is swinging. In which case why does the word even exist? A question which should be allowed...... yet again. It`s a commonly asked question and not necessarily through "oneupmanship" Its a question I would ask myself even if I were single. Im not even sure if it is in any way important. Probably more so than why does toast land on the buttered side.
Swinging is an are many regular and quality contributors on this site who have never made physical contact with anyone other than their partners. To us, they are very much a part of the swinging community. Are they swingers? Who cares, its needless semantics. Perhaps swinging could be summarised as the participation OR approving of sex without certain religious protocols..but preferably without hurting the innocent. Sorry about the hedging of bets at the end..its just a personal viewpoint.
Quote by fabio grooverider
cheetah dear old mucka........
wonder what happened to blake 45......... he was my favourite troll for a while.....
that is a thought......
Trolls we have loved and lost..........

This has to be our favourite. He certainy didn`t have the nous to consciously play the troll but was entertaining anyway. Far more than he`ll ever know. Clumsy rather than nasty....until pushed.
PS where is Lil-miss-naughty-0204 .........................................and her avatars?
Foxys x
Moscow Tram Stop by Dennis Henshaw. Barbarossa through the eyes of a german doctor. It challenges any preconceptions of goodies and baddies, where a wounded soldier needs treating regardless of who their leader is. Moving.
Hiya Sean,
could you put our names down even though we are only about 75% sure at the moment?
We realise that if need be we may need to step aside for a definite if the list gets full and we are still not sure at the time.
many thanks in advance,
foxys x
Quote by MISSCHIEF(who bless even edited THIS post 3 times :shock: smile )
Oh I've started hundreds of threads .......... and then deleted confused
Just as bad with some posts - I write em, press submit, then imediately edit it a dozen times rolleyes
Or a dozen and one times :undecided:
Cos it just don't look right sometimes dunno
And then you get that silly writing at the bottom that tells everyone what a ditherer you are mad

Naaaaaaah, just post first time and be damned!! :? biggrin :D
In edit I ve edited this post several times in an attempt to provide ironic humour, yet this post is failing to show as edited! :shock:
* Need to remember how I achieved this for future reference , could be handy*
Hand to heart, we do not class ourselves as anything special in the looks department and regardless of what some might say about attractive personalities, I believe that the most important issue is the opinion of that one off snap shot. Shame really as we have seen and hummed and harred over pictures only to find, beyond the picture, a couple of gorgeous people in real life!
We only get out as a couple to meet others just a handfull of times per year. Therefore, as we have one or two ads out there , we do have to say no to many, many couples based on a response rate of even 1 or 2 responses per week. HOWEVER, respond we do! We are always totally honest and make it quite clear that we can only pursue the occasional contact and do try to find the perfect match (or as near as poss)
Frankly we wouldn`t be on here , heads held high , if we knew that we were totally ignoring a perfectly decent couple, who took an interest in us and may be hanging on, awaiting a response from us...particularly if it was a situation we had initiated. Besides which, we are always waaaaaaaaaay to flattered to ignore anyone who had taken an interest in us.
foxys x
Weem both from the West Midlands here wave , but both speak the Queens English.
Cor say we've ever picked up the local dialect and probably never will now. dunno
Congratulations to you both from us.
Have a great day and a wonderful future *
Hope you had a great day and have a wonderful future *
* Delete as appropiate
foxys x
Quote by pepps
WOWEEEEE what a night!also a big thankyou to a lovely couple i was chatting to for a while i do hope i didnt drop into waffle mode courtesy of the vodka lol

Awwww, pepps you needed the voddy to help you find our level biggrin drinkies
Thank you both for your company, you`re a smashing couple. x
A fantastic night, we did slightly better than the last time in terms of coming out of our shells and putting names to faces, we`re slowly getting better at this.
Thank you Sarah ( gorgeous dress) and Dambuster for arranging an exceptional evening.
It was fantastic to meet those we did, the pleasure was ours. Yet again , anyone we met looked so much more real and fresh faced than we could have you Tanina for the little pep talk. Nice to meet Lovecommando who also managed one way or another to belie his "posting" age ...we certainly didn`t expect a fresh faced relative youngster.
Heres looking forward to the next do we attend.
foxys x
Easily our favourite night out as a couple is at The Nightingaleclub in Birmingham.
Three floors, garden, restaurant, pool, music for people are great and live performers have inluded everyone from Boney M :shock: to Holly Valance to Phats and small.
Definitely worth a google and a visit.
edit! sorry there is already a thread discussing Nightingales
For her fairy
For him The right hounourable member for underpants
Quote by Angelica
Hi everyone. This is the first time I've posted entirely on my is fast asleep in bed and i'm really pissed! biggrin :D :D . please please anyone reply so that I know that i've pressed the right buttons confused thanks for listening.

BAD idea poke
We only really come on here nowadays when feeling TOTALLY sober..saves editing your posts next day :jagsatwork:
Anyway, glotta go...tired, but fleeling fine thanks..drinkies
Bugsy is a very watchable gangster movie (warren Beatty,Ben Kingsley, Harvey Keitel)
I think Bugsy Siegel may have been the first to gaze at the vast tracts of Nevada and think about sticking a fruit machine and roulette table in the middle of a desert.
Mean Streets and Taxi Driver are films worth mentioning for any fans of the Scorsese/ De Niro collaboration.
Quote by w00dface
Yep to Crowded House and all things Fun.

Yep, guess you`ll be okay here biggrin