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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59


I have to agree with the warm milk thing...disgusting. That and school Mint Sauce...stays with me even now.
Hi Alice from another Newbie...the people on here have been really nice, made my decision to get involved an easier experinece.
I have been here a matter of moments and already a moderator loves me !
They were right, personality far outweighs looks (praise the supreme being in a non denominational sort of way)
So should I go for the obvious, or just let my imagination run wild.
Bear in mind my privates are not as impressive as many I have seen on her !
Comments/Suggestions rewarded with a heap of praise !
I have to say Neil I may have been here too long already as I understand the lady (I hope I understood the nick correctly) COMPLETELY !
Thanks for the nice welcome !
I think I may just like it here.....
This is really just a quick note by way of saying Hi to anyone using these boards...I am very, very new to the "scene" (if thats the correct word) and thought rather than just jumping in feet first I would do what you do in real life and pop in the Caff.
So Hi..
And I am not going to mdo ASL at the moment (thats age sex location right) - I'll keep that 'til later
Nice to meet you all.
....and no I dont have any cheese or for that matter an owner called wallace. biggrin