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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 47
Straight Male, 50
0 miles · Devon


doh - sorry SW - serves me right for only reading the first and last pages - I'm surpriesed how non-obscure Flashman is. I'd never heard of him before last year - but now I can't go into a bookshop without meeting another fan.
If you enjoy them, you might want to check out the audio readings - for the car or whatever - same story but the bloke doing the reading gets the voice just right.
Quote by Stormwalker
Fantasy books, well Lord of the Rings was one of the first I ever read. The Kane books by Karl Edward Wagner introduced an anti-hero before they became so popular, a classic. Top of the list though would be the Lankhmar series by Fritz Leiber, I just love those books

If you like Fantasy and swordplay, I could recomend the Flashman books for a bit of a change. Beloved early Victorian cad and hero recites his adventures as he shags and cowers all across the Empire.
I've on the seventh at the moment (Flashman and the Redskins) and he's helping to move a brothel from Orleans to California. very funny and a bit educational too.
Quote by neilinleeds
i demand . . . no . . . I DEMAND . . . . that you create some kind of Honorary Virgin type thing, so that those of us who have given in to our lustful desires, and fallen prey to the temptations of the flesh, can be remade as virgins for now and ever more, and thenceforward welcomed into the bosom of swingingvirgins as equal ((( though somewhat less intact? confused ))) partners in virgindom!
neil x x x :P

If only someone would invent some sort of system where you could take someones Swinging Virginity from them???
I think there might be a method, it'll take a little thought.
Pretty sure we more than quallify for membership - is there an intensive sandwich course?
If there's sandwiches after that'd be dandy.
p.s. no longer a lurking virgin though - if that makes a difference?