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Over 90 days ago


who sits around in their car all night? not me thats for sure, i like lots of fun as much as the next person...all i was saying is what i have seen when i have been up there i prefer getting on with things not sitting about drinking all night in "the vans"
all i was saying is what they do up there...and if they are into watching they arent going to get to watch alot are they lol
if your into watching couples i wouldnt bother, they sit about in vans and u cant see anything....but it all depends on what your into i guess
could someone please tell me what all the fuss is about up there??? i have been up a few times and it is just full of people drinking tea confused: the whole reason people go doggin is to watch others..maybe join in...not to hide in vans that just looks dodgy if the police come in (which they rarely do anyway) i still much prefer much more going on for everyone...not the lets drink tea and vans crew..