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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Essex


Thanks want to meet me down there then?
Hi All,
I am going to be in Brighton on weekend of 25th - 26th July if anyone is free to meet up for a drink.
Was wondering what are the best places to drink / party while I am down there if anyone wants to recommend anywhere.
You could just let me have your address and we can party at yours if that suits better lol
No pics on my profile but many of you know who I am from my cam.
Let me know your thoughts.
Hi. I am staying at the Belfry Golf Clu on Sunday 13th October if there are any fems / cpls that are free for a drink in the bar and a chat. Could turn into a fun evening as I will have full use of the spa facilities too so a Jacuzzi or sauna is of course in the offering to. I have lots of verifications on here and am 100% real lol. Please feel free to get in touch if you are free on Sunday evening
Steve. xx
Hi everyone. I will be playing golf in Southampton on Friday 19th and as I don't come from that part of the country I was wondering if any couples would be available to show me the bars in the town and point me in the right direction for a good night out. Many a drink will be bought for the couple that shows me around. I always pay my dues lol
I'm sure most have seen me on cam at one point or another to know who i am and that Im genuine.
Let me know if there is anyone free on this night.
Quote by mandsgame38
Can you add us please?
Is there going to be a list of attendees?

Hi guys, ive sent you an invite to the social, there will be a list of people attending on the event and once you accept will show them tc mandy xxxx
can you add me too plz.....only live down the road....look forward to recieving the details xxx
Are there any fems / couples that would like to join me down the pub in Hornchurch to celebrate my birthday on 29th feb?
I have a few mates, both fems, fellas and cpls going already but have no one off here yet. Might be nice to buy you a drink and see how the evening pans out. Anyone fancy an enjoyable evening out, get those glad rags on.
Let me know if you want more information.....including seeing me on cam b 4 so you know who to look out for.
Are ther any couples that are going to be in london on New Years Eve as myself and a fem friend have a room booked overlooking the London Eye.
Might be nice to meet up for a few drinks first, watch the fireworks from our balcony and then have a little fun to see the new year in.
Mail me back if there are any sexy couples that are interested
only 4 miles far so good....drop me a line and we can swap emails etc
Hi all
I am trying to find a good hotel in london (near Soho, Covent Garden etc) but its like a needle in a hay stack.
I am taking a fem i know for a night out and wondered if anyone could reccomend a good hotel.
She is bi curious, hence going Soho area.
If anyone fancies joining us too for a beer you would be more than welcome.
Anyone know of any hotels for me to check out?
Myself and sexyheels30 are looking for another fem / cpl with a cam that would like to join us at 1pm today for a chat in private
must have a cam themselves thou
3 way cam room
If anyone fancies it let me know....cld be fun
Any fems / cpls free for a beer and some lunch in the hornchurch area today?
Maybe upminster , romford etc etc is still ok
Let me know and I will get in touch with the details.
I'm afraid the cut off point for this post will b at midday today
fingers crossed xxxx
Myself and sexyheels30 have got together and would like to set up a private room tomorrow evening with some other fems / cpls
They must have a cam thou is out only ask.
reply either on here or send me a note and we can all have a jolly good time in a room where only we know whats going on.
We think this might be fun and so are trying to organise it before the evening starts
we await ur reply.....either on here or to myself....thanks
I'm off to Center Parcs from 27 - 31 July
Just seeing if there is anyone else going to Elvedon Forest at the same time and fancies me buying them a drink or 2?
I dont have any pics on here due to my work but feel free to get back to me and i can forward some on to you. (or cam lol)
Might b fun
I will be heading for Bournemouth for 2 days and wondered if any cpls were avaiable to meet for a few drinks etc?
I have pics that I can mail to you (and webcam if thats better)
Let me know if you are available and I will arrange a place to meet you.
cant make tonight but if u wanna bare me in mind maybe another day may be possible
let me know if u wanna swap addys etc and meet up soon
what a shame.....oh well....have to wait and see if anyone else is going then.....cheers for replying thou...all nice and friendly
Hi there
Just wondering if anyone is going to Center Parcs from 8 - 11 August and fancies a drink or 2 together?
Let me know if you are and we can arrange to meet up and enjoy ourselves hopefully
get back to me on here and i will give u more details
Im after more info on the A127 area.
I live near there and just wanted to know what times/days are best to visit
Anyone have any more light they can shed on this for me plz?
Anyone fems/cpls in Hornchurch/Romford area today and fancy a spot of lunch and a chat?
Of course it will be on me, what a gent
I am looking to eat about 1ish if that fits in with anyones plans?
I dont have pics but am on my cam if u wanna see me before we go out
let me know
Hi all,
I am moving to upminster in essex and wondered if anyone was in that area as I will be the new boy in town and would like an cpls or fems to show me round town
Mail me if you wanna be my tour rep plz
if you didnt have any luck finding what you wanted then drop me a line.
You seem to live rather close so this could be an advantage for us both
Let me know if you want some more information and drop me a mail
Hi there,
anyone fancy a spot of lunch in the Hornchurch area today?
As you will see I have no pics on my profile but am on cam this morning for all to see.
Just mail me, easier than keep checking the forum, and i will tell you what room im in so you can come see and decide for yourself
Everyone has to eat.....might as well be with me eh
I will be out haveing lunch in Hornchurch/romford area today on my own if anyone fancies joining me?
I dont have any pics on here yet but if you wanna see my face on cam this can be arrabged very easily
im 34 athletic build and always good company
everyone needs to eat...might as well join me
I will be in Bournemouth this Friday and saturday nights (29-30)
Any couples fancy a night out and a few beers etc and show me the local nightlife.
Mail me back if you are free and maybe we could meet up and ehjoy a nice eveing together
Could even be fun..........
Are there any couples or females that fancy joining me for a pub lunch today in the Upminster area??
I am posting this now and the cut off point is 1pm. Then I shall mail everyone back that has contacted me and make plans for when and where etc.
Couple of pints, nice sunny know you wanna
could you mail me as to where you are going andI may be able to meet you there too plz
Hi there one and all....
Are there any couples at a loose end tomorrow night in the Upminster area and fancy a drink or two?
Mail me back if you are interested and we can arrange a time and a place etc
Look forward to hearing from you
Hi there
Any couples or females fancy a pub lunch in Upminster area today as it is a lovely day out and I am at a loose end this lunchtime??
Dig out the old slinky summer clothes and we could meet for a few beers and a chat in the pub garden etc
Send me a mail if you are interested and I will get back to you.
Cut off point for mailing me is 1 and I will reply by just so everyone knows where they stand.
i bought them lunch and they bought a cpl of drinks back.
All very civilised and we may meet up again soon
You should keep in touch and maybe we could meet for a game of pool etc anotherday if you like. You have my msn addy if you want to mail me and let me know when your free etc
Maybe something might click and we all have a better time than each of us was expecting !!!