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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 62
Bisexual Female, 57
0 miles · West Yorkshire
18+ Only
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Attractive 40's couple prefer non smoking local couples around our age with or without bi fem for same room full swap. Open to offers of party invites!! Cleanliness and discretion given and expected. Say hi in chatroom or mail us. No winks. No whispers.


Right, job done, on to the next profile!!!


Hold on one minute there. How can you, my dear reader, make your mind up about who you fancy with so little information? We know you don't want to marry us so you don't want our life story (yawn!!), but if you are actually thinking about shagging us don't you want to fancy us, just a little bit? After all, wouldn't that make the fun, well, more fun!!

Well, if you do, here is a little about us, see what you think.

As you want to shag us then we better start with what we look like!!

We are a reasonably attractive (i.e. not minging) 40's couple (as if we'd say we're old and ugly!!!) who are in reasonable shape (as if we'd say we are complete bloaters!!). Check the pics, they are recent, and selected folk can see our private pictures. Don't believe us? Well, we are often on cam or will come on for reasonable requests, so you can come and make your own minds up about what we look like.

Now you know what we look like what about us as people?

Well, we are educated professionals and can hold a conversation, but we are far from snobbish about it, both because of where we come from and because we like to think we are fun and easy going so we take people as they come. Lets be honest, folk that think they are better than the rest of us, well, they are usually up their own arses.

Lucky enough to be in a long term and happy relationship we see this play as enhancing our relationship and full sex life and not saving it or replacing it, so you won't be getting a desperate couple if we meet and you won't feel that unhappy tension that we all hate.

Although not new to swinging (over eight years now) we are not after notches on the headboard so we play every couple of months and that keeps it fresh and fun for us. You know the stuff, shagging like rabbits in the run up to a meet and for a few weeks after!! However, our experience has not made us "hardened" swingers, we will be patient if you are new to this, although, if you are experienced, we are not timewasters either, we meet if we say we will and, so far, have played on every meet.

That's enough about us for now, however, if you want to know more we are often in the chat rooms, so come and say hi. Please, not just whispers, they are so intrusive and more often than not will be ignored. If you can't chat we answer all mail, so any questions then mail us, but please, no winks, have something to say to us and we will have something to say to you. You have to do some of the work and we promise to reply. And please, try not to treat Mrs Horny simply as a sex object when we chat on cam. You know the stuff, "show us your snatch, get your tits out, how do you like it, blah, blah blah". She finds that such a turn off. This is a swinging site and we are here to play, but that's not all, remember, we are people first!!

Now you know what we look like and a little about us but what are we looking for?

For us its not just the play, as important as that is. As we see it, meeting people from here is a social as well as a sexual activity. What we look for in an ideal evening is to feel relaxed but excited, to have a bit of a chat and a laugh, and not a little flirting. Maybe a meal or some nibbles with a glass or two whilst enjoying the company, the air full of anticipation and excitement. Not everybody's cup of tea as its not the get your kit off and get down to it approach, but it works for us, does it work for you?

Then of course we want the evening to lead to loads of wonderful, safe, same room fun with full swap. All in a pile of tangled bodies or simply swapping, works either way.

And what will this tangle of bodies get up to? In terms of activities, we enjoy most anything except pain, pee and poo, with Mrs Horny being particularly partial to a DP. Mrs Horny is Bi, but fem-fem play is not an essential part of her evening, more an added extra. Mr Horny is not Bi, though far from worried by mens bodies and the touching that takes place in the tangle of bodies when the play gets frantic. And we love it frantic!! We get a thrill from seeing each other have fun so we play together only. This means we arrive as a couple, have same same room play as a couple and leave as a couple.

We would also be very interested in party invites as we love the relative randomness of parties and getting to know people we might play with in the future, people whose profiles we may have overlooked. We are house trained (at least we no longer pee on the carpet!!) and would be a fun addition to anybodies party!!

Are you are looking for what we are looking for? Do we fit the bill? If so we'll now tell you what sort of people we would like to meet and play with.

You don't have to be a well hung adonis or a supermodel, we ain't. Preferably (though not exclusively) non smoking, clean, presentable and smelling nice is more than enough. However, being easy going and non pushy is essential. We want us all to be comfortable and have fun. Desires and fantasies are more than welcome so bring them with you, but also bring a sense that we are all sharing the experience and nobody is being pushed through it.

We are usually looking for fairly local couples (say an hours drive from Leeds tops) and by and large the couples are somewhere around our age in the 35-50 bracket. However, this is a guide, don't rule yourself out as characters are usually more important than age and we will travel for the right people.

Single men are also welcome on occasion, though not too often. Remember guys, Mrs Horny can be picky as there are like sooooo many single men on this site. So, impress Mrs Horny with your wit and charm but please, actually be single, not almost single, allowed to play away, wife doesn't understand me, etc!!

Single women are also more than welcome as Mrs Horny gets to be the greedy girl whenever she wants with the men, but Mr Horny rarely gets to be greedy with two women. All say ahhh, poor Mr Horny!!! In fact we have come to think it would be easier to find the holy grail than a single bi woman!!! We would love to be proved wrong though so come on girls, come shag us!!

Are you still with us? Still interested? Still awake!! Excellent, you have stamina and we want to meet you!! So how do we progress from here? Well, we have developed our four stage programme to happy swinging and weeding out the scammers, we're thinking of copyrighting it actually!!

1. First, and to state the blindingly obvious, we need to to hear from you!! (like, duh)

2. Next we need to see your face. On cam (in a chat room or MSN) or photos (profile or mail), whatever works for you. This is because we need to feel some attraction, so we do need to see your faces and not simply your gynecological snaps, as horny as they are!!. Fully clothed is fine as we know many folk have to be careful, we do ourselves.

3. Then we all need to chat. Cam in MSN and then a phone chat is how we do this because we got scammed by a voice changer on the phone (some men huh!!) We do this so we know you are genuinely a couple and for you to know we are too. Unfortunately this is essential as there are way too many people (usually men) that have not agreed to swing with their partners (or don't even have a partner!!) but arrange meets anyway (go figure!!). We get all excited, plan a meet and then get let down, or worse, get that last minute phone call saying "my wife can't come because she is poorly/monthlies/away but I will still come on my own?" Nothing more disheartening, deflating and downright annoying. A cam costs a tenner, is easy to install, easy to use, and for us gave us greater scope to play on those long winters evenings when the kids are in bed!! So go get one.

4. Finally, and with a bit of luck, we meet, yay!!! Meeting up for a drink and a chat at ours, at yours, or at a pub or restaurant is a great start if you prefer a pre play meet. Even if it leads nowhere we can enjoy ourselves. However, if we have done our homework, it usually goes somewhere and then we enjoy ourselves even more, be that on the first meet or at a later date.

Phew, you have finished!! Congratulations!! You will be tested later through multiple choice questions so we hope you have been paying attention!! Seriously though, thanks for reading, now come say hi and lets plan to play!!

And remember, the internet is where the men are men, and the women are too!!


Unknown User
great fun to talk to x


Adult parties
Anal sex
Gang bangs
Group sex
Oral sex
Straight sex


Male Couple
Female Couple
Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 150 miles