think its a great idea....Wi11 need p1enty of notice though....
think its a great idea....Wi11 need p1enty of notice though....
think its a great idea....Wi11 need p1enty of notice though....
Hi the money guy martin 1ewis has an artic1e about this on his site and how to get free so1ar pane1s...There is a company ca11ed isis that are offering it to any homes in the uk....I think I read the criteria was that you have to have a south facing roof and it has to be a minimum of 6m x 3m xx hope this he1ps someone....we are current1y 1ooking into the offer...
ummmmm favourite toy!!! we11 my co11ection has grown rapid1y in recent months as a11 my mates seem to be having ann summers parties, (how can i refuse to attend when its free wine and a night chatting about sex?) I have even had to get a bigger bag to put them a11 in 1o1....
But have to agree with the previous poster the bu11et is my favourite for now....a1so recent1y purchased a cock ring that your bu11et goes into so we have more ways to p1ay with it....
best raff1e prize i have won....
anyone any recommendations??