Little Gem has wrongly assumed it's government money. It's actually 100% privately sponsored. The government (well Westminster local government) has always resisted a museum like this until - finally - now. I agree with your sentiments though. There's so much misery caused by ignorance and sexual myths. As Brits we are prudes which perpetuates our ignorance. I think the opening of this museum if the first major break in that chain. As I've said, us adults are pretty ignorant not just our kids. (When I finally talked to my son about the "birds and the bees" I swear I learn more than him!
This museum will obviously exclude kids from benefiting from the educational side of things as the licence only admits over 18s. But maybe you have a point Little Gem. Rather more important than a privately owned Sex Museum, if the government want to sink their money into something more beneficial that a Millenneum Dome, perhaps they could sponsor a U K Sexual Education Centre. A really hands-on, serious educational centre where 13-18 year olds can go (perhaps organised through the schools) and learn about the realities of sex, pregnancy, AIDS, and as you said, learn about the many sexual myths out there that have contributed to kids this age screwing their lives up.