Quote by sexy_Toni62
It is with great regrest that I bring those who knew him, some very sad news. One of this site's loveliest people has sadly passed away, (Mr)Somersetcpl). He died last Thursday aged 49. Altho he hadnt been on here for almost 2 yrs, he was very popular. A great laugh, a very respectable perv (lol) and organiser of some of the best socials ever on this site, in Bristol..... To some (as he and Mrs Somers both were to me) he was a great friend who always had time for people and often went beyond the call of duty.
As you can imagine Mrs S is devastated by this and appreciates everyones thoughts at this terrible time, so if you knew him, please leave a message and I will pass them on to her.
this man was a legend on this site always made ya smile and always asked for bjs lol such a fine man and a great cpl mrs s our thoughts are with you please take care hun ........mr s your a special man there aint enough peeps in this world like you god bless and rest in peace ..............................................................the jaffas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gonna miss ya loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx