Hello I am a reasonably normal guy maybe with a difference, than normal, well I am here so that’s different and I like that.
I have and always have had a passion to live my life, and the more life goes on the more I realise this is so important.
I have confidentially and confidently enjoyed exploring my feeling a lot less than I would like to have done over the last 25 years, and would like to change that if possible.
I have met selectively a few lovely people over a period of many years, and I am now seeking the pleasure that can be gained from getting to know someone, the trust and chemistry that can be built up, meeting up and exploring together.
My photos are available as we make contact, for discretion purposes. I hope having no public photos on my profile does not detract you from getting in touch, I am simply mindful of a bad experience and everyone’s privacy,
I am interested in forming a relationship with lovely people, with trust comes a whole lot enjoyment.
you have read this far, thank you and please say Hi.
James xx