Is no one interested???????
We are organising a small house party with a single male friend of ours in Huntingdon, West Cambs next Friday night the 19th Sept. We are looking for a few couples with Straight/Bi Fems or Single Bi Fems to join us. Any single males interested would need to bring a female partner with them. This will be a very relaxed party at a private house & you will just need to bring your own drinks. Send us a message if you are interested & we will get back to you with details
Jan & Nick
Try this opens 7th June!!!!
We intend to go but won't be able to until July due to work commitments.
Jan & Nick
We are going to the Paradise Spa in Dagenham tonight Friday 21st March. Anyone want to join us/meet up there?
Jan & Nick
we could be interested could you send us details please
Hi, we would be interested in coming along on friday if there is still space. Thanks
We should be there simon, Jan is bringing her santa outfit!
Jan & Nick