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1 month ago
Straight Male, 60
Bisexual Female, 57


hi we r out from 30th may to 6th june close  if your about then get in touch.

hi heading down to Newcastle for  the weekend(24/4 25/3) if interested in meeting get in touch

both of us will be down in york 8th 9th of to meet up and spend some nice time

hi over in benidorm 2nd aug to 12 th aug. if ur about drop a note
thats us alsorted for this just hope we dont need passport lol
sorry aint down 17/18 may then going going down to sh birthday party. and sure we will see you about rainman mind scuba gear lol
hotel booked but stopping over in manchester for a few nites too
confirming we r def coming and hotel all booked p.s hope it dont snow
hi wonder its still possible to stick our names down? if so can we please attend>
hi can you please stick our names down as its a rocky nite def be up for it.
yeap we r heading down with teddybear hope to have a good weekend evil
hi we r down this weekend at chams sun. anyone going or interested in meeting up be cool.
Ok folks the list is now closed... sad
All those going from here....see you on the nite.. wink
Jo xx
:wink: :wink:
Well folks the numbers are addin up and got lots coming but still room for summore lol :lol: :lol:
So hurry or miss out... rolleyes
Also for the folks that have paid ...the venue details will be sent to them approx 1 week before the nite. anyone wishing hotel details just mail me and i'll send on....the hotel we in is filling up's gonna be a goodun lol... wink
Saints and Sinners is the theme of the nite but as much as i like everyone to dress up for the occasion its not is tho to have a fun nite lol......
So c'mon wot ya waitin for......
Jo xxx
Hey scottie i sent you details hun but will send again ok...
Jo xxx wink