So let me get this right......People can leave bad feedback on ur Shrep verifys and u cant take them off? So if anyone has the ureg too they cud just for the hell of it say bad things and not even met them person and u have to have them on ur profile?? Glad i dont bother with all that "seen them on cam "or similar stuff u see all the time on Shrep. Glad u told me that now will def not bother with it now i dont want some random cple who is prob a guy saying bad things wen we havent met and i dont want to be like the rest on here i think single guys are ten a penny so u have to stand out
Well as my feedback shows i dont intend on getting negative feedback and have the pics to back them up as they are all from previous meets so it works very well for me and everyone has differnt ways of showing they do meet i guess but id rather have these types of verifys then the shrep ones say "nice guy to chat to etc etc"
i dont bother with the shrep as most leave comments like "nice to chat" or seems like a nice guy hope to meet one day"
i get my meets to leave a verify in my recent quick comments section at the bottom of my profile as then people can see they r real verifys
Whos the bbw then meggo she got a face pic on here aswell?
Hi u 2 im free tonight and have pics on profile from previous meets off here so shows i do meet cples and comfy with hubby watching and taking pics
Ive "bumped" into u 2 in Manchester last xmas and i know you 2 enjoyed it as much as me so if you want to rekindle things in Blackpool let me know...J
let me know where ur off to next then and i can pop along!
Thanks for the vouch Meggo about me being one of the gen guys who meets off here its appreciated
Count me in please. Im always meeting cples for mmfs or group meets and can back it up with pics on my profile of both and also have feeback on here from meets and another site i use
ok no worries and have a good one
can u not say yes or no on here then?
in the chatroom u sed ur after single guys too so if ur over this way i cud meet u in a club or at mine
R u 2 still looking for a guy on Sat night still as if u are im well verified on here and have pics on profile from past meets to show i do like to have fun in front of hubby and there cameras
Ive got plenty of pics and feedback on profile from cples so have alook and let us know if you fancy some fun
Have u sorted enough guys or still looking as i wud love to meet and have met a few cples off here as pics show
I have done plenty of GB's and have pics on profile from past meets whre hubbys have took pics and lots of feedback from another site that ive adeed to bottom of my profile...J
Last time u were up here you said maybe we could meet as you hadnt got yourself a cple yet. If your looking again this time i could meet again...J
whos the cpl then Meggo ?
have u enough single guys for ur get togther?
why send that message to me then that i posted on here that u sent which i still have on my computer if you didnt mean it then?
some peaople dont even stop for xmas i see!guess ur hardcore i will be with my family and nothing wud change that
My 1st meet was in 2007 and it was with a porn star called Pussy Malone and her real name was Kerry Mathews from Ashford. I was based in Dover with the Paras and bought a contact mag and sent them a letter and a pic(how much easier it is now). I got a reply amd remebr scrubbing the block floors on the night of our meet because we had a block inspection on the monday. They sent me pics of here with other guys as proof and they only sed she was in Porn wen they ask me to get a HIV test becuase she didnt like condoms and obvoisly in her trade she has to have certs. Im embarrsd to say i told her i couldnt get certs but being in the army we get tested reg and give blood which we did and they were happy with that. B4 anyone says u did it bareback etc it was my 1st meet and i was new to meets. Anyway i had a great time and got posted away soon after so never met them again but i heard she split from her hubby later and i dont know wat she does now. Wen we were in Northern Ireland i seen here in the Daily Sport one day and said to the lads "ive had her" of which i got the reply "in ur dreams" so i showed them the pics of our meet and the lads loved it!
Bizzarly if i was to meet a porn star now id be a lot more nervous as id be thinking wat if i dont do this etc but back then new and it didnt faze me for some reason.
If anyway says this guy is talking bull have a look at the pic of me and the girl on the floor on my pics with brown hair and then type in Pussy Malone in google and u will see its her!
Looks like u shud meet a single guy instead!
Think u have things mixed up here NWC....If u look at my 1st message on here i put the private mail they sent me asking to meet me and i mail back in private saying i was free and then they never read it so i said so on here theyve not replied to my private message as its the only way to contact them.
Then they replied saying they havent had mail off me so i said it must be ur not getting mail back then. I never posted my mail to them in the open forum
u messaged me twice for last weds but i wasnt online then i replied and uve not read my mail???? i am free on thursday and we have met b4 and sent u the mail u sent aswell
We sent you a message yesterday about a possible meet, but have not heard back from you, and since we are not online again today we will have to assume you cannot make the meet at pennington, so we will be going the pictures instead lol.
hope to meet again one day.
I cant wait to meet u at last and got ur mail on fabs with adress but still no number so assume ur sending ti sunday
im free again wes and last time u enjoyed watching while i was busy so i cud meet again