I think I just might buy a SMART car no probs then
You can buy special condoms for PA's
but in general its just as safe with normal ones same risk's
The bum is a more sensative area of the body more nerve endings so dont be fooled because its fleshy you wont fell it.
But if tattoo's hurt we wouldn't keep going back for more I've had 15 hours worth wife 23 hours worth 20 on one tattoo alone not one sitting though :shock:
As for content think hard you do not have to have the flash images that are shown in the studio a good tattooist will be able to put any image you like on you or even design one thats unique to you.
You can always take the jewellery out of a PA for meets just put it back in when finished.
Sorry to get all serious but it works
Well my wife has just started a new weight loss program and the second rule is DON’T DIET just assess your current food intake and create new eating habits. So you can still eat as much but just change the combination ( Complex carbs instead of simple Carbs) (Chicken or Quorn instead of red meats)
That and regular exercise has worked wonders
The weight loss isn’t drastic but body shape is fantastic lost 3kg in 3 weeks (this is body fat not body tissue) But 2†on waste 1†on each Thigh and size loss in other areas
Mine come from Stained Break the Cycle better as complete songs though
This is from OUTSIDE
I’m on the outside
I’m looking in
I can see through you
See your true colours
Cause inside your ugly
Your Ugly like me
I can see through you
See the real you
And from FOR YOU
This silence gets us nowhere!
Gets us nowhere way to fast!
The silence is what kills me
I need someone to help me
But you don’t know how to listen.
Trust is different for everyone where it begins or ends varies from person to person, length of relationship, type of relationship prior to loss of trust etc.
In my own case I used to swing with my first wife and she became jealous of certain types of women ( Large breasted Blondes) my type has always been small breasted Brunettes ??? Shouldn’t cause a problem you think!! No the mere presence at parties would cause issues. So we gave up swinging and eventually divorced (yes she became a cheat).
I’m now remarried have been for 11 years and I trust her unconditionally and always have she hasn’t had to earn trust it should just be there, if it isn’t it’s a problem within yourself not with your partner.
I say this because my ex has now undergone psychiatric & hypnotherapy and the jealousy was related to unresolved childhood issues (her mum was a large breasted blonde who was a serial cheat)
So look into yourself for the answers nobody else can give them to you.
Hiya I found ARNICA tablets a great help helps reduce swelling and eases bruise's
and homeopathic
Best wishes
Thank you tallnhairy will try.
sorry tried to add pic but failed
Its not in help so how does it work please
Public smokers are bad enough but it's those who insist on smoking bloody great big cigars in Restaurants
For agreeing to almost every thing else said in here so far and not saying it first
1st rule of the raod don't try the dartford crossing at 5o'clock on a friday :shock:
It's not as rare as you think there are or has been a gang of 14-16 yo doing this for months at the blue water shopping centre. always picking on the young, the old or Vulnerable.
They did this to my son's friends 12yo sister causing a black eye!!
There first big mistake as my son her brother and some frinds also happened to be there at the time (his friends are local to the area slappers were not) they rang other friends chased them out of the complex and beat the crap out of them
I’m not usually a vigilante but that’s 8+ happy slappers slapped and well deserved they won’t be back
In my case when i left i paid mortgage all bills on standing order had my children 3 days a week including weekends took nothing from the house except clothes and she still wasn't satisfied.
If i gave them money for new clothes when asked she would spend a fraction on them rest on her self. When i bought the items instead she'd return them to the shops for refunds
And she would still run me down
So in short if they are that way inclined your never be free of it
My solution got custody of my children soon shuts them up !!!!!
As a trained & registered Body Piercer I would like to add the following
There is a EU Nickel Directive 76/769/EEC & 94/27EC with regard to suitable jewellery for Initial Piercings and any reputable Body Piercer will follow these guidelines.
Before having any piercing done you should research that piercing possible complications likelihood or scaring etc. You should also research the body piercer/ Studio where you intend on having it done.
This should include a tour of treatment areas the area where the sterilisation of jewellery is carried out and a discussion on procedure and aftercare. Ask to see there local Environmental Health Dept Registration/ license, check that the name corresponds to the person who will be carrying out the piercing.
If they can not spare the time prior to the piercing just consider the aftercare they will offer
There is a very informative book available written by Mark Eames titled BODY PIERCING ‘does it hurt’ Published by NilteN Publications. ISBN 0-9541138-0-2
If you have trouble obtaining it please pm me and i will check availability or obtain a copy for you the RRP is
This is a complete illustrated guide to body piercing and covers methods, positioning, aftercare, healing & complications armed with the knowledge contained in this book you will be able to make informed decisions about piercing and weed out the untrained or just badly trained piercer.
Arnica Tablets are very good for use after tongue piercing as they are natural and help reduce swelling and bruising
SALT only natural SEA SALT should be used in the aftercare of piercing’s some table salts contain additives that can promote infection such as salt!!