New to posting on this site, but thought I'd ask you all a question. I was driving home from work this morning on the motorway and after being at work all night I just wanted to get my foot down and get home as quickly as possible. The biggest problem that was preventing me from doing this was the slower drivers hogging the outside lane. Well thats not unsual I hear you say but the two inside lanes were clear

If you are one of these drivers who continue to do this is there a reason for why you do this???? I would really like to know!!!! Maybe theres some reason that not even I would understand. Please feel free to put me straight on this issue.
If FAST LANE was painted on the inside lane would all the vectra, Mondeo and 406 drivers amoung you(stereotypical I know

As I said in the title bar this is not a post really suited to a Swinging Forum, but thought as its a topic that winds me up so much, I thought I would share my views with you guys. Anyway anbody up for some swinging, shagging e.t.c lol
"Stands down of soap box"
