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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 51
Bisexual Female, 49
0 miles · West Midlands


Hiya thanxs for the reply we sure will say hi to u or if u see us first say hi to us see u both soon xxxxxx
Hiya anyone fancy meeting up for a drink on saturday then going to chams if u do get in touch we want to meet new people hope to hear from u soon love jo and john xxxxxxx
count us in.....great time last time so be grood to see everyone again smile
Hiya we would love too come and look forward to seeing u all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If anybody would like to meet us for a drink before we go to zre staying in the travel inn so if u would like to meet us for a drink in the bar area there we would love to meet new friends as we are new too this if u are interested send us a text on xxxxxxx and let us know u are coming we will be in the bar area from 6-30pm hope to see u soon love jo and john xxxxxxx
Mods edit - removed phone number which was breaking the site AUP but I have posted it in most of the phone boxes between Manchester and Brighton. I hope you only get genuine callers:thumbup:
Hiya all we are going 2 xstasias on saturday 4 the first time and stopping at the travel inn and was wondering if anyone wanted 2 meet up for a drink with us be4 we go 2 xstasias or come with us if u are interested pls let us know love jo and john xxxxxxx
Hiya we are john (33) and julie (43) and we are going 2 a club on saturday in west brom and wondered if u wanted 2 meet up 4 a drink or come 2 the club with us or sort something else out if u do get in touch pls thanxs hope 2 hear from u soon love julie and john xxxxx
Hiya any couples want 2 meet 4 a drink at the travel in by xtasias on saturday 7th april get in touch would like 2 meet some new friends and have some laughs as we havent been there be4 so if anyone wants 2 show us around or just 2 have a drink and a laugh we look forward 2 hearing from u love julie and john xxxxxxxxx