We have had a family member recently diagnosed with this and to see it on the telly, being talked about in such a clear and explanatory way by such a high profile personality was tremendous. Not enough is known by the general population on this and as with all things understanding means toloerance and acceptance...
I'm a Leo........only thing I got in common is a minging mane and droopy belly.....pmsl
Shameless bump - common guys and gals how often you get to play with balls in braod daylight......
I've been down the range today for first time in 6 months in preparation...lol
Markandnicky, too late and away anyways - why not last week........:-(
Awwwww, I'm away on Friday.... :-(
Have a good time out and about...
Travelling back up to Preston tomorrow (today!!!) anyone fancy some fun on the trian....
BLACKBURN ROVERS!!!!!! - kills the rythem of anyone...what a laugh ;-)
What good friends! You are blessed.
All my thoughts and wishes to your daughter and yourselves in this trying time.
Er me too, count me in on whatever wherever and with who ever - now what was the question.....I do solomly swear....
In coventry tonight....damn a week too early ;-)
And who are the three others......lol
top man lancy..........lol