it would appear that for some the questions i asked were to complex .skinny for instance seems to believe it is notcorrect to ask such thing ,or at least word them in the way i did,on this this is an adult site in the 21st century.
For the rest of us free speaking adults i dont think anything else needs changing ....lets discuss and see where we go from here.
They say that 3 out of 10 guys will pay for the services of a prostitute at some time .would be great to hear about the experience,was it worth it,how much did it benefits of legalising it in the UK like they have in parts of Europe.
Any ladies paid for sex ?
Love it or loath it the oldest profession is here to stay and no amount of legislation or campainers by moral dogooders wll ever make it go away.
Have it legalised as they do in certain continetal countries and let stop pretending that we can assume any moral high ground.
Men want sex ...simple ...woman ( and some men) will accept payment for sex...simple.
I would rather have a legal brothel in my town than a sexualy abused child that has been by some horny degenerate on a drunken Saturday night.
Not 2 many replies -would it have been different had 1) Roons not been sent off ...Haa fECKING hA 2) Becks hadnt ruined his hair style by chucking up on the pitch. 3) ingur-lund hadnt been thrown out of the WC albeit three matches later than they should have been .
Still got to say I had a FANTASTIC time with the England supporters I was with .Thanks the lads from Brixton ( Dont take this pesronally-we have already agreed on where the English wank heads hail from)
On answering the phone you will hear the numerous options to get through to the section/person you want.
Well............Just keep hitting the number 1 .When you get through to someone simply ask for whom you initially wanted and 9 times out of ten the put you straight through.
Works about 75% of time ( you can obviously choose your own number but it probably makes no difference
BRILIANT-you desrve a bloody medal .if more peple took your aproach there would certainly be less litter on our streets.(and less arseholes droppin it )
The sad fact is that honest people like you are probably going to end up hurt as a result of your actions. If your built like a brick shit house ...then go for it.. The little guy may want to do something but is held back coz of the possible outcome.
No justice nowadays - 2 many do gooders
Marks out of 10 ........ 100
Was over to Germany for World Cup.( Germany V Portugal)
Had a great time mixing with various people from diferent nations /different cultures and have to honestly say the Germans and Germany impressesed me greatly( polite people -----yes honestly.......bootiful picturesque towns with NO LITTER .honestly)
Sad to say English fans did not come out too highly on the popularity stakes.
Most people I spoke to ( various nationalities) were somewhat relieved when England were out ...Not because of football ablity but because it meant the "real" fans could appriciate and enjoy both football and other "peoples" company without the worry of some "engalund-knuckle scraper" throwing punches at every opportunity
Not my opinon -as every English fan I personally met was OK . ( but pissed !)
What were your highlights ..On /Off the field??
The chatroom gives people the ability to express themselves --yes? them if they are doing so on an open forum then they have a willingness for exhibitionisim .The question I ask is direct or not direct ?
Why not put people who wish to be directed in a seperate room ?
The others can be viewed with the explicit instruction that they are to be observed only.
Poshkate -you implicate that you are shy ..........I can bet you have enjoyed some other guy making direct instructions at the risk of gettinng booted?
Making sense ???
Again there may well be other sites I should go to but at least I have the nerve to stand up and try to make this excellent site better through open discussion.
Needles to say that POSHKATE's response answered no questions at all and was probably the one I would have expected ie bugger off if not happy .
Disregarding the obvious ,I thank all other intelligent life forms for keeping a good discussion going.
Nice too see some replys.
1) I do not intentionally want to get booted -i enjony being on this site
2) Having been on this site for a while I feel it is getting rather restricted from what I believe was the inital intentions
3) Yes there probably are other sites to which I could go but my intention is to open free speech within THIS that surley not what the guys who came up with SW intended .
4) I STILL insist that no directing is going to kill this site -we ne alternativives
5) I am not a s**t stirrer ,merly bringng topips that shoul be mentioned to the front
See it as you will ,in the open minded way I put it to you
Being a Scot I have 31 other teams to support....I would like to back INGURLUND but having had the last victory shuvved down my throat for the past 40 years ,I dont relishe itfor another would be the worts thing to happen to BRITISH FOOTBALL I could imagine.
I hope they ( ingurrlund) get gubbed big time first round .On penalties of course so that they can wingh for another 4 years.
Yeah OK Scotland are totaly uter shite and are not there ....Point taken and agreed
But Pleeeeeze dont go beyond the first round.
Geof Thinghy (Hurst) gets dragged out of his coffin every 4 years to remind uz of the fateful day day that he fluked three past Germany.
Please let the old fart RIP
Since joining late 2005 I expected to be inundated with masses of people wanting sex with me..Woh ..How wrong I apperently dont work that way ...
1) I found out very quickly that SW is very much an exhibitionist site in which you view and enjoy.
2) Not much actual "swinging" take place -most of the site is chit caht
3) Chat rooms are fun but are really like the old guys CB ( citizens banb radio) ie where are u ,how old are u etc exept with the twist of show uz ur jugs / conna cum now type carp
You may enjoy it is not exactly direct people contact
2) Surely people who wish to have sex or exploit themselves on the internet must realise that other people will want to manipulate them for thier own wise there is no purpose in SWINGERS HEAVEN????
3) It is very,repeat very easy to get "booted" by Gestapo style observers who apperently seem to choose their own style and method of policeing their is no consistency....Newcomers beware!!!!
4) I get very , very p****ed off with people who want to see people wank off /f***k /and commit buggery on cam and yet they are sanctamonious enough to believe they are doing a servive by putting " NO DIRECTION" on a chatroom WHY??????
5) THere is too much Non Directing in this site ------it will soon become just another chat site...IS THAT WHAT WE WANT??
I slipped and fell in the urinal while at a bastard next to me never had the decency to stop pissing.
I was only a few hundred yards from my house so I dashed home and got I got back to the reception my wife never noticed I had changed but made comments about a pissy smell all night...............YUK
Guess I have one items i consider top my greatest hits
I was 28 and visiting my mother in France .She lives in a two bedroom flat and so sleeping space was very wife and I were assigned the back bedroom and my mum/stepfather were in the main baedroom.
Anyhow my younger sister and her friend ( both 18)were out at a disco and I agrreed to pick them up as I hadnt been to say the two lasses were rat arsed.
When we got back to my mothers we all sat and had a few drinks .
As time passed my wife went to bed as did my mum/stepfather.
This left my sister/ chum and me to finish off the booze.
To cut a long story short my sister her chum and me decided to kip down in the liviving roon to save waking up everyone went to sleep on the settee whereas me and her chum nestleed down on the floor.
Suddenly I felt her hand on my crotch and she began to rub my cock very obviously knew what she was doing as she deliberatly pulled my foreskin back and forth ever so slowly.
I obviouslu ccouldnt do anything but rise to the occasions ,despite all the beer.
I groped into her sleeping bag to find a very veryy wet pussy.
She silently moved her head down onto my throbing cock and sudenly went like a bitch on build up simply thrashing her head up and down.
Needless to say I gushed a load very quickly but the young minx lifted off at the alst minute.I had no option but to finish off the job manually.
She quickly rolled over and pretended she was asleep.
In the morning she whispered to me that she had been fantiising about seeing a man cum.
and I just happend to be be there at the right time at the right place.
Thankfullly she never told my sister who had slept through the whole thing ...I hope
Joined Swingers Heaven as it appeared to povide an excellent service,not least but it is totaly free (unlike most of the other so called free sites which ask for payment to upgrade to premium levels)........I guess thats the Scotsman coming out.
Anyhow much of the action takes place in England or at the very least in the central belt.
Alright thats where the major population conerbations are but surely there are horny fuckers North of Dundee.
You woulnt think so .
Any pointers to other sites ?