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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 49


It's like a gobshite reunion around here..... one or two still missing though!
Blokes fiddling with loose change in their trouser pockets......... worse than the whistling!
Quote by Darkfire
Had my first one done about a year ago........ thought I'd start small lol

cor blimey, it's good to see that tatt back! wave
It's funny, I was only saying the same about your nips as I read the Chapel Hat Peg thread :twisted:
Quote by Shireen
Had my first one done about a year ago........ thought I'd start small lol

Oh I like that one :inlove:
I have to say, it is rather good :bounce:
even better close up :twisted:
Had my first one done about a year ago........ thought I'd start small lol
Quote by Freckledbird
3 and a half..... the jigsaw pieces are different colours so would never fit together in a proper jigsaw puzzle lol

Bloody hell, hello stranger! Nice to see you back biggrin
Hi Bev kiss ....thanks..... missed me then? wink
flipa no clever comments from the rabble either
I have indeedy - are you back to stay honey?
Hmm....difficult to say, back for a while though :D
Still mis-spelling I see :grin:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Not sure I know you but that's one scary Zebedee :scared:

That would be Zeebad to you Sassy.....nemesis of Zebedee....... I was around before your time....Nice to meet you though kiss
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Oh no!!! :eeek:
You've given him ideas now!
Its raining here ffs and Scotland :shock: so twice as cold as where you lot are!

fine so you've got an advantage
So you want a pic of my nipples hard AND wet? :undecided:
Greedy bugger rolleyes lol
can i second that? sillyhwoar:
Quote by 36openminded
Oi! it does not :kick: that's it I'm changing back to the black cat.

a wise move.... although I had a feeling you was going to change to a close up of your hunchback next bolt
Quote by Freckledbird
3 and a half..... the jigsaw pieces are different colours so would never fit together in a proper jigsaw puzzle lol

Bloody hell, hello stranger! Nice to see you back biggrin
Hi Bev kiss ....thanks..... missed me then? wink
flipa no clever comments from the rabble either
Quote by LadyFeeBee
johneboy...hello :rascal:

hope you're not hi-jacking the thread Fee :jagsatwork: :rascal:
dead right though :twisted: sillyassionkiss: ...... Hi :smitten:
It's impossible trying to catch up with this thread 24 hours later when you lot have changed avatars more times than Meaty changes his underwear in a month biggrin
BiWelshMinx wrote:
Sassy-Seren wrote:
36openminded wrote:
<<<<<<<<<< How about this? I still think the black cat wins...
It looks like one of those 'close up' picture puzzles where you have to guess what it is
I'll take a stab (not literally!) at a chest and throat ??

True, except that it looks like he has swallowed a hard boiled ostrich egg :shock:
fingers crossed that 36 hasn't got a goitre or some other disfiguring throat situation
Quote by 36openminded
9/10 da69e
I just lurrrve the dancing signature too biggrin

8/10 if it is mrs juniper.
4/10 otherwise....
A minus score for 36, he looks like a cross between Predator and Janet Street-Porter :shock:
Quote by blueandpink
3 and a half..... the jigsaw pieces are different colours so would never fit together in a proper jigsaw puzzle lol

Don't take it literallyjohneboy! think swinging, think couple, think sex... wink
pink x
Aaaaaaah......... now I get it....... nine and a half then biggrin
yummy profile pics pink sillyhwoar:
3 and a half..... the jigsaw pieces are different colours so would never fit together in a proper jigsaw puzzle lol
Marcuso........ stick me down on your list please, I'm sure there's a few who will vouch for me :shock:
sounds like you should have posted this in LMU... I'm sure some kind mod will move it for you :thumbup:
Quote by Shireen_Mids
I was in there but it threw me out sad

was it something you said dunno
Quote by fem_4_taboo
jas i have to agree with you there.
for me its bacon sarnies
xx lou xxxx toast......lots of butter.....yummy lol
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Get a room...... :shock:

A padded one would suit them nicely!
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Oh and I thought you were nice :shock: :shock:
Unless you were actually saying that johneboy is soooo good that I'm going to be bouncing off the walls, in which case..................thank you HC for the tip! wink lol
and double thanks from me MCB :lol:
Quote by Up4funru2
Ok a 2 facts about me...
When I was 14 i was on the british olympic youth team, but a major problem with my inner ear put paid to that :cry:
I have a scar on my head from when I fell off my nan's bin playing super man..... d'oh redface

may have contributed to the ear problem aswell dunno
Quote by DaytimePlayboy
Perve! :shock:

Meaty, oh Meaty.... somebody want's you flipa
Purple rat..... :kick:

sticks n stones Bill, sticks n stones :grin: bolt
Quote by LadyFeeBee

somebody doesn't like me dunno ..... where, who :eeek:
i'm a nice bloke really :angel:

I like you johneboy passionkiss :twisted:
Does that count?
How much do you like me Fee? :twisted:
course it counts... double in fact sillyhwoar:
Oh and a Scottish accent wins hands down :rascal:
Quote by DaytimePlayboy
I'm from Canada sweetie... cool

A cross between Cliff Thorburn and Bill Werbeniuk I heard innocent bolt
I wondered why nobody liked you for a while??? :silly:
somebody doesn't like me dunno ..... where, who :eeek:
i'm a nice bloke really :angel:
Quote by little gem
Perve! :shock:

Meaty, oh Meaty.... somebody want's you flipa
Quote by fem_4_taboo
ahhh but whos flower was he arranging ???
xx lou xxx

You have a flower needs arranging lou? :twisted:
Johneboy runs off for his vase