Quote by Freckledbird
3 and a half..... the jigsaw pieces are different colours so would never fit together in a proper jigsaw puzzle
BiWelshMinx wrote:
Sassy-Seren wrote:
36openminded wrote:
<<<<<<<<<< How about this? I still think the black cat wins...
It looks like one of those 'close up' picture puzzles where you have to guess what it is
I'll take a stab (not literally!) at a chest and throat ??
Quote by blueandpink
3 and a half..... the jigsaw pieces are different colours so would never fit together in a proper jigsaw puzzle
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Get a room...... :shock:
Quote by Up4funru2
Ok a 2 facts about me...
When I was 14 i was on the british olympic youth team, but a major problem with my inner ear put paid to that :cry:
I have a scar on my head from when I fell off my nan's bin playing super man..... d'oh