johneth01 18 Mar 2020 While the Wife is Away - Part 1 Sexy fun while wife away This is a re-post of a story first posted in November I have been a member of this site for quite a few years but have never felt the need to write about any of my experiences until now. Last weekend my wife was going away from Friday morning until Sunday evening with a few of her friends. I had been planning what I would like to do with all that free time to myself so I placed a number of messages on SH regarding meeting...
johneth01 8 Dec 2019 While the Wife is Away – part 3 Final weekend fun My friend in the car in front drove off, and I noticed that the car that had been parked behind me had also gone leaving just me and one car further down the lay-by. I decided to move closer to the other car but before I could do that 3 new cars entered the lay-by, one of them parking behind me, one a little way in front of me and the third one drove down and parked close to the car further down the lay-by. I waited to se...
johneth01 8 Dec 2019 While the Wife is Away – part 2 More weekend fun Following on from my first post... After my visitor had left i was wondering how to fill in the time I had left with the house to myself. I returned to my computer and logged on to SH and entered the chat rooms where I again tried to organise a meet for later in the day and/or Sunday morning. It’s amazing that when you cannot accommodate the number of people that would like to meet up with you, but when you can accommodat...