will travel 30miles for couple bit more for a single lady but can negociate with distance not to botherd but nothing stupid
Quote by hugs1
I'm going cant wait Izzy Joined guns n roses in new york the other night hopefully we may see more memebers join them in the next couple of weeks there was talk of a reunion at hammersmith months ago and now the hammersmith show has been announced made sure i got tickets for that straight away amazing 5 days a soon as guns and roses come of stage at hammersmith i am on my way to download
Quote by naughtynymphos1
I'm going cant wait Izzy Joined guns n roses in new york the other night hopefully we may see more memebers join them in the next couple of weeks there was talk of a reunion at hammersmith months ago and now the hammersmith show has been announced made sure i got tickets for that straight away amazing 5 days a soon as guns and roses come of stage at hammersmith i am on my way to download
Quote by little gem
sod the british overpirced, underavailable, overhyped, poor music festivals and go to the only festival that rocks and kicks ass!
roskilde festival! :D oh yeah! <ROCKON>
£120 sterling for one weeks camping, some of the best facilities going and the best organsiation I've ever seen at any festival. Seriously, once you been to Roskilde Festival, you'll never go back.