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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 53
Bi-curious Female, 50
0 miles · Norfolk


Quote by duncanlondon
What is interesting to observe is that when we are confronted with something a bit too much, the usual recourse is to fall back on the values of the conventional world and attempt to apply them in an unconventional scenario. Or try to force them to work.

"Hmm you could be a murderer, psychopath, burglar or armed robber. Just so long as you're not one of those 'married men', those sick, twisted freaks need locking up......."
You'd think marital status would be the least of concerns when inviting a stranger into your home/meeting them in a secluded dogging spot etc
Member not found!Sorry, we couldn't find that member in the database!!

...and thus he was gone. Nice, sensible advice from the last two posters that would have benefitted him immensely too.
I'm sure it's for the best. wink
Someone step up here!

The combined "larder/living room" backdrop kinda takes the ambience out of the portrait don't you think?
wtf is that a bottle of? salad cream?
Family room and family emergency, Good idea guys,
many thanks for your help!
This has just dawned on us......
.......our previous experience with hotels etc is:
Make booking, turn up on the day and check in, stay over night/s, pay and check out and leave.
So as we're new to swinging, we have the complication of a) smuggling someone past reception and b)Checking out the same night as we checked in.
I'm sure there's a well known way of going about this so if someone can offer advice it'd be appreciated. We only have to get an extra bod in, not a group and staying overnight just isn't possible for any of us.
Any help from the experts here will greatly put our minds at ease!
Thanks smile
Quote by H-x
Thanks JP, that made me giggle biggrin

It makes you giggle? It makes me wince!
Quote by Freckledbird
No, temporary bans wouldn't explain why profiles are still visible - you can still view profiles of permanently banned members.

Why is this?
They can't log in though, I don't think. A ban is a ban and means they can't access the site using their login.

Aahh..that'll be my mistake, thanks for clarifying.
So, that their profile is still visible, then I'll have to assume it's a temporary ban. SH wouldn't keep up profiles of permanently banned people I'm guessing?
This 'temporary ban' thing may also explain why they can still log in, though if their use of this site is restricted, why would they bother? (maybe to check if they are unbanned yet?)
Anyway, it's probably a good idea to weed out those with the inability to understand basic instructions. If they can't understand the AUP then they'll also probably have trouble understanding the phrase "keep your finger out of me bum" too!
Thanks for your replies.
I've done a search on this and can't find a previous post related to it......
Can anyone give me an idea of what this means? What infringements are likely to result in banning? If people are banned, why are their profiles still visible? Can banned members still be contacted? If so, would you contact a banned member?
Just asking as a few banned profiles have come up during our searches.....