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5 days ago
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Cranbrook


Quote by AdminSarah

Are you using an incognito or private browser when you go to look at something else? For example, you are going to view a profile from the chatroom?

just clicking on the profile tab from the persons profile card in chat so not incognito

Quote by Woohoo

Just a thought, but is this just an issue with one member or are there multiple members having the same issues.

Rather than just the one member?

it might help the backroom boys get to the route of the problem if there are multiple members having the same above issues and they were either to report it in this post or alternatively log a support ticket.

certainly if I leave the SH chat tab and go to another open window on my browser and come there is a blank white screen which can take a minute or more to return to showing the chat screen. This is on a laptop and running Edge with windows 11

Quote by Wetrock

A beta version is where you iron out some of the bugs, listen to feedback and performance test. You've done none of these things.

Lush stories chat works perfectly, why not reuse that code in the swinging heaven chat. It's still crap but at least it's accessible. Can't get into any chat rooms. And I've paid for Lifetime membership... Useless developers.

I brought up the fact that Lush chat works perfectly (didn't realise you were there too) apparently part of the issue with comparing the two is SH has 10 times as many chatters (terms used loosely) so there is a user volume issue. Speaking with various people on various platforms phone / ipad / laptop all are having different issues. I've found it better on chrome than Edge, someone I know has safari on her phone and no issues. Some have labelled it as teething issues but then they were having issues last night in pool so maybe more understanding than they were. Those having issues have been dubbed a 'vocal minority' but visit other non pic rooms and the chat is the same. It did take Lush about 2 weeks to get everything ironed out so hopefully SH will too but its def not a good look and does question how reliable the beta testing was. The site owners must be in despair with all the complaints if they are monitoring it.

Quote by hornydilf2014

Hey, did this ever get off the ground? Got a single women who's interested and I'd be keen to join the fun too...

Sadly never happened, but if you have an interested party so to speak then I'd still be interested. What would this lady be up for. Ur welcome to DM if you prefer

Wednesday night and mini profiles and emoji's not working, pic rooms yes they have pics but the non pic rooms are either quiet or full of discontent. Admins admitting during the day there are problems which they are trying to fix, surely the sensible thing is to return to the old chat while they investigate everything that has gone wrong. People are saying they will vote with their feet and wallets / purses

You've been running beta on **** for months now and its fairly smooth - so no excuses for it not to work properly here now we are all having to use it. Yet its slow, emoji's not loading up correctly slow to display messages once typed, seems like the system can't cope with the volume of chatters using it

with the international rooms it would be much easier on the eye if the country flags were used rather the country abbreviations and quicker to check if someone was close enough to be of interest

Quote by ColinT1961

How do I remove someone that I have blocked or has blocked me from my profile views so I don’t click on them again?

I don't think you can, you just get a message saying they are blocked and not to ask why etc

With a decent smart phone you can get a good quality video which can then be editted on a laptop if required depending on your requirements, so much depends how long your clips are. I believe there are limits on the file size which can be uploaded here. If you are looking to do longer videos then camcorder probably becomes a better option. Great pics btw, wish I was a little younger

Quote by med31p

You could always try the Mecca Bingo 🤣

So its not the pub bar your propping up of an evening then!! 🤣🤣

believe me it does happen, don't even need to cam and it can get messy

Quote by Alfie69N

Hi new here, hope to message or see you soon

great profile wud love to chat sometime

been worked on it for 6 months now, have messaged the guy but got no reply so sadly no longer holding my breathe that anything might happen sad

Quote by area71

So we only had 4 couples turn up for this; they seemed to have an okay time and we didn't charge any of them, but we need more people attending to make it viable for us and more fun for you guys

What do you guys need and want in an event like this? Is daylight or darkness preferred? Can we do events in winter?

Your constructive comments would be appreciated

In all fairness its hardly dogging, more like an outdoor club

Quote by area71

Location Use What Three Words

///diver. tonal. bulletins

Gate opens at 4pm

wonder if anyone actually went to this?

posted a message to one admin who eventually came back saying 'we don't know what causes the crashing' gives little grounds for hope really

Quote by _loz_

Yes it is very frustrating we have asked till we are blue in the face how much longer this is going to go on for It is killing the site and the community.


I popped after the post I put in pool to Danadmin - noticeable there was no reply which I imagine is as frustrating for the mods as for the rest of us. I'll try and remember to post a ticket if the site goes down when I'm on but sometimes you get tiddled off and leave anyway

Quote by Griff

Hi all,

Deepest apologies, we're just as frustrated. We've been keeping tabs on the server after some anomalies kept happening and despite our efforts to increase resources and a few other things to help bring back some stability, regrettably the same issues returned over the weekend and multiple times just earlier today.

We've applied software updates and rebooted the server and the team will continue to monitor.

Its been happening for weeks now, you can almost set your watch by the time it happens on a Saturday night, - 11pm seems the favoured time to eject everyone

Quote by hugecockcouple

Sounds great

sadly doesn't seem to be a flier - cracking pics, guessing mr is big or are you seeking Mr Big?

Quote by RandyPeep

WOW.... again tonight the whole chat just reset booting everyone and ending all chats..... As a paying member this is completely unacceptable!!! the site is unusable of late and I will NOT be renewing!!

Seems to happen most Saturday nights about 11pm, not sure if its the server can't cope (never an issue in the 'old days' with loads more people on) as they have downgraded bandwidth or whether the techies think Sat night is a good time to do 'upgrade' work either way its just another reason why people are leaving. Even when it reloaded Sat night it wasn't working properly as people were posting who were not showing on my chatroom member list, nor were they showing on one of the Mods list either as he confirmed to me in chat

Quote by Wetrock

How are you sorting the order off the picture room list? Every time I expand the list it's in a different order. It's not alphabetical, it's not by number of users... So is it just random. Sorry it logically please. Alphabetic or by number of users and keep it the same. One for the backlog for you

Sadly I am not sure SH seems to do logic - probably as it's too obvious!

Quote by Raven156

Fuck all happening here mate. x Good luck

you replied to the author and not no response?

Quote by Dave_Desert229

It's knackered again. Got booted and it said it was reconnecting. That was over 10 minutes ago and still got the swirly logo and the "Loading" screen.

one way to get round re-classifying images - don't let anyone on the site. This is happening way too often

Quote by Plentyofhoney

Clicking ID (in blue) doesn’t work on iPhone any longer. It used to. Opens up a new window and throws you out of chat!

another one for the tech boys to sort out then - keeps them in a job I suppose!

Quote by _loz_

When you look at someones profile that is on beta chatroom list it logs you straight out of main chat

see below thought I'd quoted you but hadn't

When you click on a profile to see the person's details rather than clicking view profile which as you say takes you away from chat click their ID (in blue) at the top of the box and this will open a new window showing their profile - works on a laptop not sure about a phone. Chat is then not lost

cams in Lagoon not loading 23/5/24 - Lagoon seems to have been disappearing a lot this week

Quote by Wetrock

I wonder if it is capacity related failure. Either way it smacks of amateur hour. Thought it was a site supported by a company but looks like it's a couple of amateur developers sitting in their bedroom. Now in too deep and have no idea what they are doing or how to recover.....

What they were saying on Lush last night is that the tech behind current chat is outdated which is why it keeps crashing. The beta chat and old chat 'clash' which causes the chat to go down. Seems like they are treating Lush as a guinea pig to iron out all the problems- think they will be ironing for a while! but once running properly it will be much better. I am yet to be convinced, as you say all looks rather amateur and no comms is far from ideal. They seem to think a forum post is informing the site users without realising most forum user don't use chat and vice versa. Seems like we are stuck and will have to see how it pans out