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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51
Straight Female, 67
0 miles · Stoke-on-Trent


Last minute I know but only heard about this by word of mouth (not got on SH in months) We would love to attend if at all possible. Please send us payment details, so we can confirm. Not been to extasia in about 6 years and we know it's been through some changes. I'm sure HnS are happy to confirm who we are.

Saturday lunchtime in Tesco changing rooms in Kidderminster. Was hard keeping up the act of saying "No thats to small try this one" and "no that colour  is not right for you".  Also at the side of Kidderminster ring road in front of the CCTV camera.

Hope you all have a great time. We did love Dean's camps but we were not available for these dates this year. But if you do one next year we would love to attend.

Add us to the list please, and this time I (craig) will not be too ill to attend.

We were so gutted that we could not make it. Hope everyone had a blast. Oh who won. Girls or guys?
we are still up for it date permitting. Its my (Craig) birthday that month so be a nice way to spend of my birthday month.
Well we are finally back. We were the last to leave site, just like when we visit Chams. lol.
Dean you are a star and thank you for a great weekend as always.
Saboteur(s) you are so sad, get a life and get out of the scene as you obviously do not truely understand it.
So I got very wet on Friday (and not due to Jackie this time) but it was worth it. Thank you Try for your help with the tent in all that rain. Sorry we were just to cold and wore out to partake of Saturday nights games and fire watching, we promise to be made of stronger stuff next year.
Also thank you to the 13 others who, like us, partied on late into monday morning's wee hours.
We have made some more new friends, and caught up with old ones as well. So all in all a fantastic weekend
Craig and Jackie
Ps will never be able to listen to Tammy Wynette's "Blanket on the ground" agin without a snigger and a memory........
Bambi pop us down please, we so have to make this one.
It is on my day off so as long as we get no band bookings for that day should be no problem.
Yes wales here we come. Car is packed with gear, just clothes to go in now. Then drop off the dog with the in-laws and sunshine here we come.
Yes Bambi, please do more. Stuff has got in the way the last few times and we have not been able to make it. But we do love a good social.
Sorry but got to pull out.
Only just got in, need shower, food and bed. Work in the morning early as well.
Hope you all have fun and hope to catch you all soon.
Craig and Jackie
Add us please. Will try to sort work around it.
I'll sort my stethoscope out and check Jackie's prior to the gig, and all the way through it as well. lol.
Hi Dean.
Please please add us. Already got the time booked off from work and you know we will be there. Been off site for a while and missed the thread starting. As normal it will be me, Jax and Chris. We will try to keep the noise down this year. lol.
We will be there.....
It was at your do last year I met Jackie, and 12 months on we are a bonafide couple very much in love. So we have to find you and say thank you.
Craig and Jackie
Well let us see, do we want to visit our fav place and see all our friends (and make some new ones), or do we sit at home and watch the family movie?
NO BRAINER!!!!!!!!!
Stick us on the list please Bouncy
Craig and Jackie
Cheers for having us there guys. Already looking forward to the next one.
Very sorry to hear your news Tricky, we both had a foundness for Harvey after camp.
Craig and Jackie
Can you add us to the list as a "hopefully there". It will all depend on my (Craig) work as I can offten be on till late at night. So fingers crossed for a fair days work.
Craig and Jackie
Hi mate,
Sad to say we can not do this one as we have a family party on the same day. So hope you all have a great time and we will try to catch the next one.
Hi we are regulars at the club ourselves. Not so much on a Sat as Jackie likes here guys. lol.
Shame you can not do the following day as it is a big social. Very good for chatting and meeting people, but play can be hard with so many around. Rooms are like gold dust on social nights.
People there are so friendly and easy to approch you will have no problems making friends or playmates. It is such a low pressure enviroment you can do as much or as little as you like.
If you want some more info please feel free to PM us for a chat.
Craig and Jackie
It is a work day for Craig as is the following day but hell pop us down anyway. Who needs sleep?
Quote by witchmusic
I haven't met with anyone off here but I have met two lovely women from other sites. They have both become great friends with benefits smile
I must agree with the earlier posts always have a chat on the telephone as early as possible. Recently I had a 'woman' contact me who said she had a bad throat. Yes because 'she' had an Adams' apple stuck in it lol.

PMSL. love the Adams apple line
All of the above posts can be used to assist you making a genuine meet as both Jackie and I have done as singles and a couple.
Good luck and happy swinging
Craig and Jackie
Pop us down Bouncy. Even falls on a weekend off from work.
But most important of all it is Jackie's birthday the same week. Think she may consider it a birthday present of her own.
Craig and Jackie
PS sure you are only 21
Hi Try,
We would love to come if you will have us. We do play nice after all (If a little loud lol). And we did help you pack your tent away after the camping trip (Nudge nudge). It is confirmed as Craig's day off as well so no worries about work. If there is space please add us as a confirmed attendance.
Hope to see you soon
Craig and Jackie
Quote by deancannock
I'm 21 and i'm going !!!!.....honest guv...its just that my paper round is all uphill !!!bolt

You know we love you really Dean
Quote by deancannock
I'm 21 and i'm going !!!!.....honest guv...its just that my paper round is all uphill !!!bolt

must be the Mount Everest round.
We are older in body than we are in mind. Think we got stuck at 18 in our heads.
See you all there old and young alike. Just say "Hi" to us.
Please confirm us. Missed last one due to car problems, so really looking forward to this one.